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Thread: Young Eagles and Background Security Checks

  1. #641
    Quote Originally Posted by caymancraig View Post
    I have the biggest problem with handing the prospective Young Eagle's parent a form alerting them to be sure and help us look out for child molesters.
    I just want to confirm, we are not handing out a form to parents asking them to be on alert for potential offenders. The form parents are getting is the same form we've always used.

    Eric Cernjar, EAA # 1133654

  2. #642

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Well it is painfully obvious that the EAA is NOT listening to it's members. The changes to the YPP as it concerns the YE flights are minor at best. Lip service by the President doesn't help. I can speak with authority when I say many of us will not submit to their background check. Nor a continuing check every 3 years!
    As evidenced by the many revisions and word changing, without changing any meaning, the initial roll out was and continues to be a disaster.
    Funny when I look at the list of pilots that have flown 10 per year Mr. Peltons name doesn't come up.
    So Mr. Pelton and the BOD of EAA. Lots of luck with the YE program and the retention of pilots and Chapters. After May 1 we are done.
    It was fun while it lasted.

  3. #643

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    Jan 2016
    Read the "new" policy (policies). Parsed same for semantic differences with original. Results = absolutely no changes. All they did was split one document into three so as to make it somewhat clearer what parts of the policy apply to which type of activity. So, they changed the words without changing the meaning, intent, or actual requirements. Therefore the prior legal analysis still stands: This policy / procedure does NOTHING to help protect pilots and other volunteers. It only protects the parent corporation and the hired help like Mr. Pelton, and gives them an excuse should anything happen in the future. At the same time, this policy significantly increases (1) the ACTUAL risk that some money-grubbing opportunist parent will bring a child to a YE event for the SOLE PURPOSE of making a false claim of abuse afterward, knowing the pilot and volunteers will never be able to prove the negative because video and still imagery for surveillance is not allowed without prior permission now, and (2) the pilots' and volunteers' personal identity theft probabilities are significantly increased, as the third AND FOURTH party vendors doing the background checks are highly likely to intentionally sell the aggregated personal information (Nowhere in any of this do they or EAA specifically contract with the pilots and other volunteers to maintain confidentiality and secrecy, and the wording of the actual permission form we are asked to sign only applies to the contents of the form itself, while making no actionable assurances with regard to the aggregated search RESULTS).

    I'm done with YE and EAA itself. My membership expires on April 30, which is also the last day I would permit any YE kids to fly with me, so the timing is perfect. I will also issue a directive that none of the rental aircraft may be used for any EAA activity in which minors are allowed to participate (it's all about liability Mr. Pelton, and two can play at that game - you just lost an average of 360 kids a year due to me and my planes to protect MY liability interests).

  4. #644
    TedK's Avatar
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    Just got an email from EAA. They still don't get it. Background Check is still required.


    Earlier this month I mentioned that we would be using EAA member feedback to make any necessary clarifications and improvements to the Youth Protection Policy introduced in January. Thanks to your input, we have done that.

    The overarching purpose of the policy remains the same – to protect young people who are involved in EAA's youth programs and protect our volunteers who dedicate time, energy, and their own funds to these programs. Within that, we've split the policy's elements into three distinct areas: Young Eagles flights and activities, youth education programs such as aircraft building projects, and youth activities at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.

    Within the Young Eagles segment, you'll note the following changes, thanks to the input of members and volunteers:

    • Removing what many thought was an overly burdensome photography policy. There are now simple guidelines to work with parents when taking photos.
    • No requirement to provide a Social Security Number when completing the background check (it is optional).
    • Simplified requirements for ground volunteers at Young Eagles rallies, to requiring only two-deep leadership that has completed the training and background checks.
    • Elimination of the staff-to-youth ratio for Young Eagles rallies.
    • Clarification on topics such as supervision in an aircraft, individual Young Eagles flights, and record keeping.

    I urge you to also review the brief guidance sheet regarding the Youth Protection Policy and Young Eagles activities. It will help answer questions that you may receive, although it's important to know and understand the entire policy as it relates to Young Eagles. We'll have similar background sheets coming for other chapter youth activities and for AirVenture youth activities. For the latest updates, go to

    Again, thanks for your input. We are all passionate and dedicated when it comes to EAA's youth programs, which is why they've been so successful. It makes us excited about the positive impact we can have on the future of aviation.

    Thanks again for being part of EAA!

    Jack Pelton, EAA CEO/Chairman

  5. #645
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TedK View Post
    Just got an email from EAA. They still don't get it. Background Check is still required.
    Background Checks are the irreducible nugget of the Youth Protection Policy. They may change everything else, but the background checks will remain.

    If something happens and EAA gets sued, only the background checks will count as evidence that EAA was trying to minimize the chance of a predator using the program. Making people watch a web program won't count for much, with a jury.

    Ron Wanttaja

  6. #646

    Join Date
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    South Louisiana
    This IS also an issue identity theft for doing a background check. Why should I risk the problem of identity theft as my daughter had years ago just for the eaa. She had great difficulty buying a home after getting married due to identity theft. .............From FOX news today.....................A hacker broke into the University of California, Berkeley computer system holding financial data of 80,000 students, alumni, current and former employees, school officials said Friday.
    The university said that although there is no evidence that any information has been stolen, it has notified potential victims of the breach so they can watch for signs of possible misuse of their personal data.
    Those notified include students and staff who received non-salary payments though electronic fund transfers, such as financial aid awards and work-related reimbursements. Vendors whose financial information was in the system for payment purposes are also at risk.
    The hack occurred in December right after Christmas and just as UC Berkeley was in the middle of patching a security flaw in the financial management system.

  7. #647

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    Quote Originally Posted by vettdvr View Post
    This IS also an issue identity theft for doing a background check. Why should I risk the problem of identity theft as my daughter had years ago just for the eaa. She had great difficulty buying a home after getting married due to identity theft.
    We just got notified this week that we were in another batch of data that got hacked......Let's see, that makes the 3rd time in less than a year now. I'm giving up on keeping track of how many times it has happened now. Any wonder why some of are a little paranoid about our data?

  8. #648
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    The background checks didn't bother me as much as the screwball fly-by-night way that and the training program was implemented. Half of the controversy could have been dealt with if someone out of the close knit cabal had looked at that disaster before it was dumped on the membership.

  9. #649

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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark van Wyk View Post
    At my place of employment, I just completed a mandatory "harassment" online training. I could have stamped my feet and held my breath until I turned blue and refused to take it, and I could have quit my job. Or, I could just take the training. I took the training.
    --Mark van Wyk
    If the EAA is willing to pay me 30K a year I will take any training and complete any background check information they want. But last I checked, I pay THEM. Last I looked, they are supposed to represent the membership. I don't think there was a massive call from the membership to change the YE program.

    Seriously, does anyone know of a way I can be in the IAC without being a member of the EAA? I'd drop the EAA like a bad habit, just like they seemed to have dropped the whole concept of the EAA.

    When is the next election of anyone in the EAA that supports this abortion?
    1996 Quad City Challenger CWS w/503 - Sold
    1974 7ECA Citabria - Sold
    1986 Pitts S1S

  10. #650
    fidot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssmdive View Post

    Seriously, does anyone know of a way I can be in the IAC without being a member of the EAA? I'd drop the EAA like a bad habit, just like they seemed to have dropped the whole concept of the EAA.

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