I followed the link out of curiosity. You can choose between the following for your funds:

Greatest Need [This is the default, basically as they see fit...]
Youth Education
B17/Ford TriMotor
EAA Museum

Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
Covers the cost of YE background checks
You may have been joking but if the number of 2,000 completed was correct as mentioned in another thread, that $10,000 the EAA owes for checks. Of course, that logo and pic of the cute kid cost money to design as well...

The page in the link made mention of an Annual Report, which make me search for one. Unfortunately, the most recent one is from August 2014, not a current one. Kinda left me scratching my head though. With the tens of millions of dollars they have laid out there, much of which they got from us, where are they falling short and need us to spread our checkbooks?

I'll pass... There are four youth scholarship funds locally where every penny I give goes directly to future aviation professionals , that makes more sense to me.