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Thread: Drivers license medical

  1. #91
    Gunslinger37's Avatar
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    I have been watching that monthly report for a long time. The DOT pushes the date out every month when a new report is released. Our best hope is that Congress will attach HR. 1062 and S. 571 to the September FAA funding bills which might include many other major changes for the FAA.

  2. #92
    TedK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danielfindling View Post
    The DOT May 2015 Significant Rulemaking Report ( ) provides: "to OMB on 6/15/2015"

    Does anyone have insight as to the validity of the new dates? I have provided a copy of the relevant portion of the report below.
    i have tracking that DOT site since last year. It just continues to slip. IM<HO, DOT will not publish a rule on 3rd Class Med reform until Congress passes a Law.

  3. #93
    TedK's Avatar
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    And just in time for AirVenture, the Dept of Transportation has published its July report on significant Rulemaking, and Third Class Medical Reform is (drum roll please)....punted again another month. The earliest the draft rule might be publicly published is Thanksgiving. And to add further insult, DOT doesn't even indicate they are late.

  4. #94
    Gunslinger37's Avatar
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    As usual the EAA is not covering the latest news from Washington on this important issue. A quick check of the EAA web pages, including the Advocacy page, contains none of the latest news that I have been seeing for two days from AOPA, Flying Magazine, GAN, and others.

    Here is some great news....Senators Joe Manchin (D. WV) and John Boozman (R. AR) attached an amendment, SA 2267, to H.R. 22 (Highway Funding Bill) which is being debated and will probably come up for a vote on Sunday. The amendment reads almost exactly the same as the Pilots Bill of Rights bills that are sitting in Sub-Committees at both the Senate and House. If you want to read the actual text, go to this link; Scroll down about half way on the page and look for SA 2267.

    In summary, if the amendment stays attached to the Bill, and the Bill passes and becomes law, here is what we can expect:

    1. The FAA has 180 days to enact the new rules, revise the medical certificate regulations, etc.
    2. Have a valid driver's license.
    3. Must have a current medical, or have held one in the past 10 years.
    4. Medical has never been revoked or suspended.
    5. Aircraft operation limited to 6 occupants, IFR & VFR, not for hire, below 18,000 feet, below 250 knots, 6,000 pounds.
    6. Within the past 24 months, attend a medical education course. (Available on the Internet free of charge.)

    We have never been this close before, let's watch the news and see what the Senate, and House, do with this amendment to their highway bill.

  5. #95
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunslinger37 View Post
    As usual the EAA is not covering the latest news from Washington on this important issue. A quick check of the EAA web pages, including the Advocacy page, contains none of the latest news that I have been seeing for two days from AOPA, Flying Magazine, GAN, and others.
    In EAA's defense, they ARE a trifle busy this week. AOPA, Flying, GAN, etc. send some of their people to Oshkosh for the big show, but every one of EAA's staffers is there. They're probably on the grounds for ~14 hours plus every day, and I suspect Wifi doesn't work any better for them. :-)

    Ron Wanttaja

  6. #96

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    Wait, what? Is there some sort of meeting or something going on up at the EAA headquarters?

    They really should put that in their magazine to let people know.
    The opinions and statements of this poster are largely based on facts and portray a possible version of the actual events.

  7. #97
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunslinger37 View Post
    Here is some great news....Senators Joe Manchin (D. WV) and John Boozman (R. AR) attached an amendment, SA 2267, to H.R. 22 (Highway Funding Bill) which is being debated and will probably come up for a vote on Sunday.
    And...the latest word is that an another amendment was added to the bill, to repeal Obamacare. What was probably a slam-dunk is now mired down in politics.

    Ron Wanttaja

  8. #98
    Gunslinger37's Avatar
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    Today, Monday July 27, on the Senate floor at 4:18 p.m. Semator Inhofe spoke about the Transportation Reauthorization bill and his adventures as the pilot of a small plane and the Pilots Bill of Rights amendment.

  9. #99

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    Just read this on AvWeb. They don't feel like talking because it will interfere with vacation.

  10. #100
    Gunslinger37's Avatar
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    EAA main page shows the last news update to PBOR 2 as September 25, 2015. As usual, you must go to the AOPA web site to get the latest news. November 18th is the date set by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation for markup and to move the bill, S.571, forward toward a vote in the Senate. Another step closer.

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