Hi Roger -

Thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure if we've reached out specifically with respect to the Proteus, but I'll be sure and pass that along.

Quote Originally Posted by Roger Janssens View Post
Lastly, I found out on the VAA's Facebook page that the B-52 is currently scheduled to arrive a couple of days before AirVenture and leave on the Monday after. A pity, as I had been looking forward to seeing it land on 36L and take-off from 18R. As I can stay until Monday night I'm hoping it won't take off until Monday afternoon (~position of the sun for photos). But wouldn't it be nice if that kind of information was included in the updates? Or if there was (like there used to be before the website was overhauled) a list of expected participants, with such details? (more and more fly-ins now have a section on their website showing pre-registered participants)
As for the timing on the B-52 arrival and departure, we're a long way from knowing that level of detail, but, as soon as we do, we'll share it.

As for the list of performers - sorry you didn't find it!

If you go to the Features and Attractions area of the AirVenture section of our site, then click on Air Shows, you'll see the link for Performers right there. It'll take you here to show you our confirmed list as of January. Probably time for an update...!

Thanks again -
