I own both a C-150 and a CH601 XL-B. My training was in C-172s and most of my time is in C-172s and C-150s. I just recently bought the CH601. As for the quality of the build goes, I agree with Bob H. You should get someone that is familiar with the CH601 to look it over for the "gotchas" that may not be evident to anyone not familiar. As far as learning to fly, I would say continue in the Cessna for most of the training to learn the basics, especially the stall series. You will really like the CH601 as it is a smooth flyer ( although a lot more sensitive than the Cessna ). The CH601 ( at least mine ) does not much of a stall to it at all ( unless you REALLY get the nose up to make it stall ) so learning in an aircraft that will definitely give you a stall would be best to learn in. Landing the CH601 is also something totally different that someone with that type experience should teach you. Overall.....you should learn to fly a normal aircraft first and then transition into the CH601. You will REALLY like the Zodiac....I do.