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Thread: The dreaded and dividing "white picket fences" return for 2014

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    That is pretty expensive, I might pay $75 for one day, if the food was good, but it is unlikely to be much more than the regular vendors. I certainly am not going to pay $150 for a weekend day, but if they are going to have the jet noise on Sat. I probably will leave by then anyway, though I usually like to do some shopping at the vendor buildings then.

    It seems to me that this is a small building in a large place, and like going to a fine restaurant, if you don't want to pay for the bottle of Dom Perignon on the menu, just don't order it, have beer or water instead. It doesn't affect my week if some people do pay extra to have this tent.And someone who spends most of their time inside the building is going to miss a lot of fun things anyway.

    EAA is not Cuba where most everyone is equal in that they are all on the bottom.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 12-30-2013 at 05:25 PM.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Ottawa ON Canada
    I personally don't have an issue with the VIP facilities themselves, but rather where it/they are located. Last year there were two, show left and show right, which made sense to me and a few others I imagine (the reason they removed it from show center was because of the membership complaints as I understood it). Putting it back at show center at the expense of flight line access for the general admission folks, and taking valuable plane display space does not.....IMHO.

    A little modesty (indicated by offset pavilion locations) by the folks who sit inside the picket fence seems to go a long way....


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by martymayes View Post
    ...this is financial class division with a white picket fence.
    Nonsense. It's not class division or class distinction, it's about offering choice of locations/amenities at different pricepoints just like at sporting events, concerts, on cruise ships, movie theatres, cable/satellite packages etc, etc, etc.

  4. #14
    TedK's Avatar
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    I'm a nobody, but My buddy and I bought Wednesday tickets so we could watch the night show from the Aviators Club. We did have lunch there and watched Wed afternoon. It was OK, but nothing really special.

    Frankly, I think the improvements in food and some of the other watering holes throughout Airventure have rendered it OBE.

  5. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    Nonsense. It's not class division or class distinction, it's about offering choice of locations/amenities at different pricepoints just like at sporting events, concerts, on cruise ships, movie theatres, cable/satellite packages etc, etc, etc.
    I'm not a member of the "experimental sporting event association," "experimental cruise ship association," "experimental movie theater association," "experimental cable/satellite viewer association," etc., etc., etc. If those organizations divide their membership based on what they can afford, then I agree, it's no different.

  6. #16
    Mayhemxpc's Avatar
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    I was just going to pass on commenting about this thread, as what needs to be said has been said. Then I remembered that EAA management actually pays attention to the forum, so I decided to weigh in.

    I agree with Bill completely (maybe the first time.) It is for EAA members. It costs, but so does admission to AirVenture. So do the campsites. This is just another cost for another service. Yes, the optics of the thing are sort of bad. A better solution does not quickly come to mind. Last year it was no more obtrusive than any other structure and poses no significant restriction on seeing the airshow and none for seeing the show planes. Tif you are looking for shade, there are some trees you can use, and lots or airplane wings.

    Message to EAA management is that it is OK as an additional service to EAA members, as long as the funds go to support EAA programs and discretion is used with regard to location and appearance.

    Chris Mayer

  7. #17
    dclaxon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhemxpc View Post
    A better solution does not quickly come to mind.
    Actually I think a better solution does come to mind. I noticed when the LARGE tents started proliferating the flight line a few years ago, (the smaller ones weren't so bad) that some of them had observation decks with chairs on top of them. I thought those people are high enough they could easily see over the heads of the pedestrians on the walkway, but it is not so easy for people on the ground to see over the tents. I thought at the time that anything that is high enough to block the view of the activities on the flight line should be kept west of the pavement. Do that and I am perfectly OK with packing as many of them in there as you care to, just leave enough gaps between them for east/west foot traffic.


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