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Thread: What do you think about Malaysian AIrline Flight 370???

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Marietta, GA
    I wonder if we have any SOSUS equipment in the Indian Ocean? Rewind the tapes, listen for a big splash, follow whatever line you can generate from the data.

    We also have Diego Garcia out in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It would be interesting to know what Radar and SIGINT capabilities we have there.

  2. #22
    rwanttaja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Interesting (and believable) take on this:

    Ron Wanttaja

  3. #23
    Infidel's Avatar
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    Montani Semper Liberi
    I wouldn't be suprised if this incident is a religiously motivated act of terror. I'm sure the fallout from this will result in several major changes to the airlines. Perhaps an override feature where some guy in a cubicle can take control of the plane and remotely fly it like a drone.

    I still can't fathom something like this happening with all the technology available these days. Hey, maybe they simply stole the plane and landed it on an old WWII airstrip somewhere. Wishful thinking. But for the sake of the passengers, I sure hope so.

  4. #24
    Joe Delene's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    They may finally have it, parts in the ocean.

  5. #25

    Join Date
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    Sidney, OH
    Given that the sighted object is approx. 79 feet long it is logical to assume it is a piece of the missing aircraft. If and when they recover that item we will know for sure and it's logical to assume that we've got some heavy-duty search aircraft looking and listening in the area. The "black boxes" will continue signaling for about 20 more days so hopefully we can pin-point their location before they shut down. Assuming that happens, we should be able to recover those boxes, might not be a slam dunk, but it will get done. I expect we'll have some facts and answers in a year or so. The real question is; What will CNN and the rest of the news industry focus on next week?


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe LaMantia View Post
    The real question is; What will CNN and the rest of the news industry focus on next week?

    Not to worry Joe, if the pieces are from the mysteriously missing plane, this is "breaking news" that's good for weeks, perhaps months to come. The talking heads and "experts" will still be able to continue speculating, prognosticating and opining till the cows come home, all based on nothing. Replace them with chimps and you'll have the same results but it would be far more entertaining.

    If this debris is not the plane, then it's sadly the spec business as usual. My advise, stop watching and reading about this event until such time that there is substanciated and supportable EVIDENCE that the plane has been found and the various authorities begin to put out facts about what happened. This will take some time.

  7. #27

    Join Date
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    Sidney, OH
    If this debris is not the plane, then it's sadly the spec business as usual. My advise, stop watching and reading about this event until such time that there is substanciated and supportable EVIDENCE that the plane has been found and the various authorities begin to put out facts about what happened. This will take some time.[/QUOTE]

    Yup, as of this mornings news they can't find the debris, so if it is part of the plane, did it sink or drift much farther from their search area? Sunday will be the 15th day or mid-point on the battery life of those much needed black boxes. They've spent nearly 2 weeks looking and found nothing. It's been 77 years since A. Earhart disappeared, we're still speculating, which in that case has become a cottage industry. If the next couple of weeks comes up empty, I'll be looking for FOX to bring back "Lost" next fall!


  8. #28

    Join Date
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    Buffalo, NY
    Ha I was talking to a pilot at work the other day about this. He said i have a decent theory ... what if there was a VIP or government official onboard that they wanted to kidnap and one of the pilots was in on it? so they turn the transponder off ... find a plane to 'follow' in the general direction they need to go, decompress the cabin, killing everyone but the VIP, and land and hold that VIP hostage for ransom or whatever .... ha just a thought ...

    aliens is second best ...

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Hey, pilotgirl, ask your pilot friend how you land a 766,000 lb airplane somewhere on at least a required 9000 ft paved runway without a single soul aware of it? Your pilot friend should give up his day job and write B movie scripts.

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Clarklake, MI
    A terror organization would have been tripping over themselves to broadcast their accomplishments and demands before the plane touched down.

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