Help: I am shopping for a plane. I can only afford 1 plane and I want it to do many things. I used to own a piece of a Pitts S2A and competed in sportsman and intermediate IAC aerobatics. I'm not interested in competition anymore, but I do want to do gentlemanly acro from time to time. I also want a cross country machine that my wife will enjoy flying in for trips to the beach or to see family. She likes to be engaged in the flight by setting radios and working the GPS, so tandem seating isn't an option. I see videos on the web about aerobatic teams using the Globe Swift, but I haven't found any information about whether those old planes are actually approved for acro. Are they? Were the original design load limits within the standard acro g-loading envelope? If not, can anyone suggest other 2 seat side by side acro capable planes?