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Thread: Final Toast of the Doolittle Raiders

  1. #11
    Rick Rademacher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Urbana Ohio
    I will be there with my hat on! And then hat off to all who served in World War ll.
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    Last edited by Rick Rademacher; 11-09-2013 at 06:29 AM.

  2. #12
    Rick Rademacher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Urbana Ohio
    Since it was such a beautiful day, my son and grandson helped me relocate the Kolb in preparation for my Christmas lights to music at my office located a mile down the road. Good help is sometimes hard to find.

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  3. #13
    We had a great trip to Dayton! Staffers Andy Ovans (Membership), Chris Henry (Membership), Max Platts (Vintage), Tom Charpentier (Government) and myself (Museum) all drove down together on Friday, arriving in Dayton late that night. Chris, our friend and fellow EAA member Eric Rood, and I had attended the 2010 and 2012 Doolittle Raider Reunions in Dayton, so we knew that whatever special swag was on sale in the NMUSAF gift shop for the event would sell out quickly, so first thing Saturday morning we all headed over the museum. Before the doors could open, we took a moment to visit the Doolittle Raiders monument in the memorial gardens where we took this group photo with our great banner made for us by EAA graphic artist Jeff Benedict (thanks Jeff!).
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    After that we headed into the museum, where we each picked up a souvenir challenge coin and glass goblet.
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    We spent the bulk of the day visiting the museum, until about 12:30pm when we headed outside with many hundreds of other visitors to line the museum driveway for the Raiders' Grand Arrival at 1:00pm. It was a fantastic display of support and patriotism for these heroes. We were thrilled to be a small part of it!

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    From there we gathered in the memorial garden for the official wreath laying. There were probably a couple of thousand people there, including nearly all the senior brass of the USAF! It was a very touching event, with a drum and pipes corps and everything. Our buddy Eric was able to take some pretty nice photos of the Raiders from his viewpoint:

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    Shortly after the wreath laying, five B-25s performed a missing man flyover that was just perfect. I had chills up and down my spine as they flew over. It was beautiful! Apologies for these photos as I was using my phone and looking into the sun:

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    The last toast itself was a VIP affair, but was broadcast live over the internet and on the Pentagon channel. We picked up our own bottle of Hennessy and had our own toast the Raiders with some friends. As always, the NMUSAF put on a superb event for the Raiders. It was very bittersweet knowing that this was it...probably the last time the survivors would be meeting publicly. I am grateful to them for what they did during the war, and for their generosity in sharing this moment with the public. I'll never forget it!


  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Nice trip report, Zack. Here's mine.

    A friend of mine, Dan Wegmueller is a features writer for a local newspaper and radio station group in Monroe, Wis. He called me several weeks ago and asked if I wanted to go see the Final Toast ceremony in Dayton. It was closed to the public but we could apply for media passes through his newspaper, he as a writer and me as a photographer since I had done work for them in the past. I had been reading about the Doolittle Raiders since Junior High School in the early 80s, so I gave an emphatic "Yes!" response. As a long time WWII aviation history buff, I couldn't pass this up.

    The newspaper agreed to send us and our media request was approved by the Air Force Museum, so we set out planning the trip. Dan has a sweet Ranger-powered 1939 Fairchild 24 and we figured we could fly to Dayton from our southern Wisconsin base. Just before sunrise on Saturday, November 9, we took off from Dan's home base at Albany (54W) and made a quick fuel stop at Brodhead (C37), then off to Dayton. A direct route would've take us right over the top of Chicago O'Hare, but flying an old airplane over the biggest metropolitan area in the Midwest wasn't anything we wanted to do. The fact that this airplane was older than the Doolittle B-25s was not lost on us, so we dog-legged around the Class B for the 300 nm trip. We picked up a 30-40 knot tail wind and made it to Dayton in 2.5 hours. Not bad for an airplane that cruises at 100 knots.

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    Navigating old-school around Chicago.

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    Dan's Fairchild dresses up the ramp at Wright Bros. Aviation.

    First stop was the Grand Arrival at the Air Force Museum. The three attending Raiders would be driven in with a police escort and the city had asked people to line the streets as a show of appreciation. There was a good crowd along the drive into the museum so we took up a position and cheered them on as they came in.

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    The drive in to the museum is lined with well-wishers.

    Next was a wreath laying ceremony outside the museum at the memorial marker for the Doolittle Raiders. This is where I discovered how big a deal this day was going to be. There was more Air Force and Navy brass walking in than I had ever seen in one place. Generals, colonels, majors and some other ranks I didn't recognize. Dan and I were marshaled in to the media pen, which was right behind the brass.

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    Surprisingly, there weren't many media folks there besides the local TV stations, at least not that I saw. The Raiders were brought in by escorts, seated, and the ceremony began. We started to feel like we were in somewhat of a hallowed place. There were some speeches, an honor guard, invocations, the national anthem and the wreath laying, followed by a five-ship B-25 flyover performing the missing man formation. That was quite a sight and the crowd roared its approval. Sadly, I didn't get a decent picture of the flyover.

    We media folks were then brought inside the museum and up to the second level "Arnold Room" where we had exclusive access to the three Raiders for interviews. Dan and I had discussed on the flight out, what exactly do you ask these guys that they haven't been asked a thousand times before. Dan kept it timely and asked a few brief questions while I snapped some pictures. We sincerely thanked them for what they had done back in 1942 and in the years since. Again, Dan and I had a sense that we were in a very special place of honor among these men and took time to appreciate where were and what we were witnessing. The Final Toast would be the end of a very long mission for these guys, and here we were taking it all in. There were perhaps a dozen other reporters quietly doing interviews when the local TV news crews rolled in.

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    I'll get on my soapbox here for was at this point that I was embarrassed to be part of the "media" and all that word has come to represent in certain circumstances. Many of the news crews and especially the photographers were dressed in their Saturday morning yard work best, even though we were told to wear business attire. They talked loudly among themselves and largely seemed disinterested in what was probably just another news assignment. It was clear they had little respect for what they witnessing. I kept thinking that there were many people who would have given anything to be in that room among those men, yet it was reserved for these TV clowns. I heard one reporter sit down in front of one of the men and say, "Please state your name and spell it for me exactly how you would like it to appear on TV tonight." Do your homework, pal...and show some respect! We left the room at this point, feeling somewhat out of place.

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    The cameraman is busy texting while the reporter asks C.V. Glines some uninteresting questions.

    We had a couple hours to kill before the Final Toast ceremony, so we did a whirlwind tour of the museum. If you haven't been to the National Museum of the Air Force, it is well worth the trip to Dayton. Plan on an entire day or more. I was last there in 1982 and it was a completely different place this time. Go here:

    We were told to be in the media area at 5:30 for seating. We had use of a small riser behind the seated guests and were told to stay out of the aisles, away from the stage, no interviews and no interruptions. We could use flash photography but no tripods. This was to be a dignified and formal ceremony and it was obvious the organizers had planned out every step of the next hour.

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    The three Raiders listen to the speakers.

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    The crowd listens intently.

    Speeches were made by some Air Force officials, a Vice-President of Hennesey USA, the make of the cognac to be used for the toast, and a very good speech by C.V. Glines, the official historian of the Doolittle Raiders. He is considered to be a honorary member of the group, going back to the 1950s. Mr. Glines called the roll of all 80 Raiders, with the three in attendance shouting "Here!" when their name was called. Hearing all those names, knowing some had died in the raid, and hearing only three in attendance put a lump in my throat.

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    The goblets and bottle of cognac. Each goblet is engraved with one of the 80 Raiders' names and is turned upside down when they pass away.

    Then the toast itself. Its worth watching the video linked below to see it. (Jump ahead to about the 48-minute mark.) Colonel Cole, Jimmy Doolittle's co-pilot on the raid, opened the 1896 bottle of cognac that had been held by the group since the 50's for just this occasion. A brief word by Cole, a sip, and that was it, followed by a long round of applause that had palpable sincerity by everybody in attendance.

    Video of the full ceremony is HERE.

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    We stuck around for some final pictures, Dan went off to interview the acting Secretary of the Air Force and I just sat in the museum and took it all in. It was quite a feeling.

    The next morning, we took off from Dayton and paid dearly for our tail wind the day before. It took nearly four hours to go the 300 miles home. It was a quiet trip as I think we were both lost in our thoughts of the previous day. I felt very privileged to be a part of it.

    Pat Weeden, EAA Chapter 431

    ...and if you're bored, you can watch the video of our flight to Dayton HERE.
    Last edited by Weeds1; 11-17-2013 at 04:33 PM.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Thank you Both for sharing the experience. It is a great feeling that they are still honored in a way that we all can take a least a small part in. Greatest Generation,..........Roll Models,..............Heroes.

    Pat, Great job.

  6. #16
    captaindenim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Really enjoyed seeing the B-25 flyover that day. Stood by the memorial for an hour with the kids before the Raiders arrived to get a good spot and unfortunately the press filled in in front of us and we couldn't see anything. Oh well, just glad to hear the ceremony and see the flyover -- be a part of it all.
    Captain Denim
    Great air show and museum videos:

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