A tribute to Paul is certainly warranted and something all EAA'ers and lovers of aviation can buy into. I had brief contacts with Paul over the 37 years I've been coming to Oshkosh - the most memorable was in the early 80's when a nasty storm came thru the grounds bringing damaging winds and torrential rains. After things had quieted down I found myself out splashing around camp Scholler at 3 AM just to see how bad it was. It wasn't too long before I met a guy driving an old Caddy who stopped and asked me if I was OK and if I had a dry place to sleep that night. He was out gathering up strays that had been flooded out and taking them to a temporary shelter in a hangar on the north end of the field. That good samaritan was Paul Poberezny.... to Paul, the people came first, a lesson EAA should take from him.