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Thread: Rate Oshkosh Forums?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Close to OSH, but not close enough!
    I went to the Gene Cernan "forum" at the EAA welcome tent, and he no-showed. No reason was given. I was worried that perhaps he had had some adverse health event but then saw his pic on the front page of the local newspaper the next day, at an evening event. Anyone know why he missed the forum appearance?

    I enjoyed Dick Campbell's talk on the Lady Be Good at the museum, but I missed his talk on Glacier Girl later in the week. Fortunately I live in the area so am hoping to see his museum presentations later this year.

    My forum feedback for Warbirds in Review would be Water! Shade! Lucky it was so cool this year, in other years it's been just brutal sitting in and around the bleachers, even with a hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle. Next year I may just sit UNDER the bleachers.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BeagleOne View Post
    My forum feedback for Warbirds in Review would be Water! Shade! Lucky it was so cool this year, in other years it's been just brutal sitting in and around the bleachers, even with a hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle. Next year I may just sit UNDER the bleachers.
    Agreed! The reflectiveness of the bleachers makes the heat even worse. We sat down on the grass, but it's still very warm if you're sitting and listening for 30-45min.

  3. #13
    FlyingRon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    Don't know, but I was at the Friday night dinner where Cernan was most certainly in attendance (same dinner I saw Brent Blue).

    I have to admit I don't much make it up from Vintage much from the show anymore. I've been meaning to. The only forum I regularly make is the Navion one.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Westfield, IN
    Thanks Hal, I sent off my info to the email you provided. I have appreciated hearing about the other forums, so here are my observations from this year:

    "Piston Engine Cooling" Sonja Englert (8/1) -
    I missed the first 30 minutes of the presentation, but the remainder of the presentation was very well done. Ms. Englert seemed very knowledgeable about the subject and gave a lot of really great real-world examples to explain her points. The subject matter could have gotten really technical and over the heads of some in attendance, but Ms. Englert did a great job of explaining herself and "bringing the cookies to the lower shelf" without making the information too simple to be effective. Good Job!

    "Airparks Selection Process" Ronald Heidebrink (8/1) - I would give this forum 1 star because the guy did show up and give a presentation. Unfortunately, it wasn't about "Airparks Selection Process", it was why South Carolina is the best state and why we should buy property in his airpark near Myrtle Beach. It was bad enough that my father and I walked out after 30 minutes (wanted to walk out after 5). Really, if EAA want this guy to come back please rename this forum to indicate it is an advertisement for Hardee Airpark. (Yes, I was only there for 30 mins and still remember the name. That is how much of an infomercial it was)

    "Fabric Covering 101" Poly-Fiber (8/1) - You can tell these guys do this every year. The presentation is extremely well planned and executed. My only bad thing to say is that the presenter of the classroom seemed a bit bored, but I would probably be the same way if I had to say the same thing twice a day for a week.

    "Hatz Biplane" Kevin Conner (8/2) - This was the presenter's first time. He did a good job, and I think he will do better in the future. He is knowledgeable on his particular model of aircraft, but sometimes wasn't sure about the other models of Hatz. He did bring other individuals with him to the forum that were able to answer most questions. Good first try and hope to see him again next year. Should start to get some good attendance with two Hatz Lindy award winners this year!

    "Living the Air Park Life" George Gratton (8/3) - This is the forum that really should have been the one named "Airparks Selection Process". George did a good job of explaining what to look for in an airpark and how to start your search. I really liked that he had experience living in multiple airparks and had good and bad experiences to share. Also liked that he was a former realtor, which gave additional experience, but he didn't try to sell anything.

    "Getting Started in UL"Timm Bogenhagen (8/3) - Mr. Bogenhagen did a great job presenting what an ultralight is and describing the history and intent (from the FAA's perspective) of Part 103 flight. I also appreciated the fact that he wasn't shy about answering questions about how bad the training limitations are killing the industry right now. I hope that he can get some support from EAA to help UL flying, and also hope to see him again next year.

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