Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Novak View Post
Looks like the Viking is a honda without a balancer, I would personally avoid that at all costs. Inline 4 engines have a second order vibration parallel to the cylinder axis, without the balancers this vibration wreaks havoc on anything bolted to the engine like starters, injectors, coils etc.
I think what He is talking about is a harmonic imbalance. I don't think You would have that with the Viking engine or they wouldn't be selling them. If You check out their website You can tell they have extensive experience in aircraft engines. I had a automotive turbo-suburu EA-82 that had a 25lb flywheel which I removed and used an aluminum flywheel at 4lbs. Once in awhile at lowest idle is when I got harmonic imbalance. Oh it will shake like crazy. So I adjusted the idle up from 700 to 900rpm and never got it. I am sure they don't get that with the Viking. I figure it like this, (My opinion only) An automotive engine is alot more reliable than any certifyed aircraft engine because millions more have been spent on designing them. I feel certain that the Viking is a very smooth engine. It is my 1st choice for the CH 650 B Zodiac I am getting ready to build.