Well, after travelling from Australia for this year's Airventure, I am quite disappointed.

The lack of military presence here is very telling. This afternoon's airshow was very poor. There are only so many aerobatic performances you can watch before they all begin to look the same. The B25, P51 and Sea Harrier were by far the highlights, and were obviously strategically scheduled to keep the crowd around until the very end.

I don't for a minute blame Airventure organisers for this. I understand the budget sequestration has played its part in grounding the military and keeping them from attending events like this. But it is still disappointing nonetheless.

On the other hand, the people are as friendly as ever, and the variety of food stands is much better than previous years.

I am here for the whole week, but won't be hanging around for another airshow. Maybe I'll poke around the fleamarket in the afternoons!