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Thread: Camping

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I have been attending "Oshkosh" since 1973. I started camping in Scholler with my wife in 1980 while on our honeymoon. We progressed from a weekend stay to now over a week and are frequently joined by our adult female daughters. Seems that we have gotten used to the people, noise and bright lights at night. After a hard day of walking, the heat and the show, we don't have a big problem sleeping without ear plugs. We find the comaraderie of fellow campers, sitting around a campfire talking, renewing friendships and making new aquaintences to be worth every minute. I would recomend picking "high-ground" and secure your tent because of storms. It is best to be prepared ahead of time for all possibilities. The day we pack up at the end of the show, we are already talking about attending the following year. Stop by and say Hi, we are looking forward to meeting you!

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Why would anyone take a pet, like a dog, to Airventure? It has to be a bad experience for the dog, which have sensitive hearing and who ears are hurt by loud noises. There are plenty of jet noises at EAA and maybe even simulated explosions. It can be very hot, which is going to be bad for most dogs. They are not allowed inside the gates and most other people aren't going to enjoy having their mess on the grounds. Some dogs like people, but most don't feel good in large crowds, and may be aggressive or barking.

    It seems as inconsiderate as taking an infant to a loud sports event or music concert.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Why would anyone take a pet, like a dog, to Airventure? It has to be a bad experience for the dog, which have sensitive hearing and who ears are hurt by loud noises. There are plenty of jet noises at EAA and maybe even simulated explosions. It can be very hot, which is going to be bad for most dogs. They are not allowed inside the gates and most other people aren't going to enjoy having their mess on the grounds. Some dogs like people, but most don't feel good in large crowds, and may be aggressive or barking.

    It seems as inconsiderate as taking an infant to a loud sports event or music concert.
    Because some dogs may enjoy the experience? A few years ago I brought my two and they had a blast. While we were wandering the grounds, they slept in the motorhome in air conditioned comfort. In the afternoon they'd sit and watch the airshow. Evenings, they'd socialize with the other dogs and people in the pet area. Airplane noise was never excessive or an issue, even though we were by the ultralight runway. I've never seen any "messes" anywhere in the campground. Owners tend to clean up after their pets.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    New Hampshire
    Every dog is different. The FBO where I learned to fly had two well behaved German Shepherds that were good on the ramp and liked to fly in the local Cessnas. I have met dogs that went sport skydiving strapped to the chest of their owners. I have met military dogs that did troop drops and our Spec Ops friends will take a Belgian Shepherd, strapped to the chest of its handler, out the door at 40,000' with full doggy oxy gear for a high altitude parachute ride with the rest of the team. And all of these dogs did the doggy happy dance when the gear came out.

    Ever seen a dog stick its head out the window of a moving car? My observation is that the higher IAS is not a deterrent to this behavior.

    We had best assume that the owner knows his or her dog and you and I do not unless that individual dog is clearly having problems.

    Best of luck,

    Last edited by WLIU; 06-19-2013 at 01:48 PM.

  5. #15
    Cary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Fort Collins, CO
    I don't bring my dog to OSH, because dogs aren't allowed in the airplane camping areas. Otherwise, she goes with me everywhere, including in the airplane. Dogs are family!

    "I have slipped the surly bonds of earth...,
    put out my hand and touched the face of God." J.G. Magee

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Coming by myself this year and looking to share a campsite and a car. Flying in to Milwaukee's Mitchell airport late monday night getting a car at 6am on tues to drive up. Anyone need a ride or want to share a campsite? I have my own camp gear and will rent the car. Just looking for someone who wants to share some of the costs.

    Let me know.


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