Quote Originally Posted by Amanda View Post
I am in the process of buying a Pitts S1C. Am figuring that a forward facing camera might assist with landings, given the poor visibility.
As suggested, forget the camera idea. The Pitts doesn't have poor visibility, it has different visibility...if you are accustomed to a Cessna or Citabria. You can see everything you need by flying your approach as Wes mentions. And once you straighten out, you CAN still see the runway...small parts of it to each side at least. The Pitts will force development of acute peripheral vision when on the landing roll. Yes, it is a new skill to develop. You should not try to avoid it. Your peripheral vision will tell you everything you need to know. There's nothing more you need to see. Just learn to fly the airplane. A camera is unnecessary, and would cause more problems than it solves.