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Thread: Cygnet SF-2A First Flight

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Cygnet SF-2A First Flight

    Today, I flew my Cygnet SF-2A for the first time after 20 years and three months of on and off again building at H19, Bowling Green, MO. Everything went perfect, the Great Plains assisted VW simply purred. I made one trip around the pattern and will begin more detailed testing with the next flight. Thanks to my Tech Counselor Gale Derosier and my Flight Advisor Frank Baldwin for their help along the way. Now, I just need to finish my Murphy Super Rebel!

    Jerry Folkerts
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  2. #2
    Chick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Congratulations! She's beautiful.

  3. #3
    cluttonfred's Avatar
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    World traveler
    Woo hoo! It's always nice to see another classic plans-built design take to the air. Cheers, Matthew
    Matthew Long, Editor
    A site for builders, owners and fans of Eric Clutton's FRED
    and other safe, simple, affordable homebuilt aircraft

  4. #4
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
    Beautiful! Congratulations Jerry - what a great looking airplane!

    Hal Bryan
    EAA Lifetime 638979
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    Managing Editor
    EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I’ve uploaded a video to You Tube of my first flight on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at H-19, Bowling Green, MO. Although short, everything performed as advertised. I plan a longer flight with some deliberate flight checks next Monday.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I flew for 30 minutes this afternoon. My primary objective was to check engine cooling, rate of climb at different speeds, and a few basic control checks. The engine performed admirably, I’m gaining some confidence in it but will continue to watch it like a hawk. I’m getting a tad bit above 2800 rpm on static checks, 3000 on climb out, and then 3200 leveled off at full throttle. That’s giving me approximately 85 mph although I believe my airspeed indicator might be off on the low side. It doesn’t appear to be quite in alignment with the airstream now that I know what the level flight attitude is. I slowed to 50 mph at altitude and it wasn’t even close to a stall. The prop is now a Sterba 58/31 (he lowered it two inches). The aircraft empty weight is 642 lbs and I’m flying it at approximately 900-950 depending on fuel. My oil pressure settled in a bit under 30 psi, oil temperature stayed low, and the EGT on the #1 cylinder stayed in the green. EGT’s were low. I’ll start recording numbers on future flights, I haven’t had a pad on my knee yet – keeping it simple at first.
    I’m also finding that the engine generally starts on the first pull or two of the prop. But after its run a while and is hot, it’s a bit more difficult to get started. I need to find the right choke/throttle position.
    So – very happy with the engine and airplane so far, everything is working as well as can be expected. It was a bit bumpy mid afternoon, the airplane doesn’t take much to get bounced around a bit. I’ll look for another window later this week with reasonable winds etc. Today, I had a 30 degree cross of 8mph, and it handled it very well. Interesting, my ground observer today was amazed at the engine sound. He said there’s no way that little engine should sound as strong as it is. Most likely the tuned exhaust and the fact it is a four stroke.

    Jerry Folkerts

    Cygnet SF-2A, N522SF

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Gonzales, LA
    Very nice!
    How was your trip to KOSH?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Marietta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by I_FLY_LOW View Post
    Very nice!
    How was your trip to KOSH?
    I can tell you that he made it to the show. The airplane was in HBC a couple of rows in front of us. I walked by it 10x a day and thought it looked very nice.

  9. #9

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    Jun 2012
    The trip went very smooth. I flew up on Thursday and spent the night at Watertown WI, then on into Oshkosh after the NOTAM was in effect on Friday. I was the first one over RIPON at 7:30 -- goal was to avoid traffic and it worked. I departed on Thursday, 4.5 hours back to the St. Louis area. Flight was smooth except for the last 50 miles. Oshkosh was wonderful, especially all the wonderful people in homebuilt camping. Since I was an early riser, I was nominated to make coffee each morning at 4:30 -- I got to meet a lot of people at the coffee pot in the morning. Hopefully, I will be back in two years with my Murphy Super Rebel completed (basically a Moose with an 0-540). My best memory -- on departure from Oshkosh, the ATC Controller asked “little green airplane, what color are those stripes?” I answered pink, purple, and orange red. She said on the radio for everyone to hear – “I’m loving it”?
    Jerry Folkerts

  10. #10
    EAA Staff / Moderator Charlie Becker's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Oshkosh, WI

    It was good meeting you. Thanks for volunteering to make the coffee. I'm told everyone really enjoyed it.
    Sonex flight testing complete. Building a Super Cub clone, check it out at

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