Not trying to be overly contrary, John, but operations per year listings are for totals, not just when the tower is open, so one can't take the 122K ops and then divvy it up only when the tower is operating.

Granted, we would hope the tower is manned when the field is busiest, but one must be careful with statistics.

Personally I am very amused by the seeming over-reaction to tower closings. The latest AOPA email I receivedsays something to the effect of "what to do now that the tower is gone" as training. For all the hay about "being an aviator instead of a pilot" (usually spouted out by someone with an airplane with more electronic gizmos than the space shuttle), can't folks handle a CTAF, a regular, pubished pattern, and see-and-avoid?

C'mon into uncontrolled airspace, boys, it's gonna be okay. You'll have to do the whole looking at something more than six inches from your chest thing (it's called a window, and outside it the blue side goes up and the green down. If you look through it one will find that contrary to popular rumor aircraft can be seen and located without somebody in a tower telling one where they are.).