Quote Originally Posted by martymayes View Post
That's where you wander over to your neighbors camp, the one with the big grill. Or do what I did, crash some RV'ers builder group dinner that was held in Scholler down the row from my camp site. Eat their food, listen to the presentation, eat some more food, help 'em clean up, then back to my camp site.
One year, we pulled in next to a huge bus - very friendly neighbor - always had a beer in his hand. He said he had been there three days. Asked him how he liked AirVenture so far, and he said "I don't know - haven't made it over there yet! Wanna beer?" LOL! So, plenty of beer, but no free eats!

There used to be the "Greek Guy" near Camp Scholler that had breakfast available in the a.m.'s and gyro's, etc., all day. Also there was a pretty big tent nearby with steak sandwiches, etc. Seems the last few times I was there none of these vendors were there anymore - sure was convenient to camping!
