Please see my thoughts related to this on another thread about "Sport Aviation". This all needs to fall under the same PR campaign, and what we need to do is create a downside for the journalists. They have no downside to unfair reporting, so they do it without a second thought. If you punch me in the nose, and nothing happens, you'll do it again. If I do something after you punch me, then you may think twice before doing it again. A downside (legal, financial, whatever) needs to be created.

Ten thousand letters to the sponsors who advertise on their news show, each containing several box tops or UPC codes cut out of their product packaging, and a vow to remove those products from ten thousand shopping lists, will get the attention of even Procter & Gamble.

There is a possibility of filing a class action suit by 200,000 EAA and AOPA members for "trade libel" or some civilian version of fraud. This would take a dedicated fundraising effort to hire a big enough law firm that frightens the media's law firms. Of a very large pro bono donation by a group of lawyer EAA members if such a group exists. Very expensive but a worthy fight for our own survival.