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Thread: Wristband Customer Service

  1. #1

    Wristband Customer Service

    Let me preface this by saying that I hate to complain and gripe when I know exactly how much hard work goes into putting on Airventure. But, after mulling this over all day today, I felt I wanted to share.

    My husband and son came to AirVenture on Monday and purchased weekly passes. On Wednesday they weren't able to attend and since we're in the midst of moving, my husband went over to our old house to do some cleaning and hauling of construction materials, etc. Somewhere along the way hauling these things to the city dump, he lost his wristband. He tried to find it the best he could, but gave up. He emailed to find out if anything could be done to replace it, and in the meantime he also called customer service and a fellow named Lucas told him to explain things at the counter this morning and they could help him.

    We arrived at the counter, already prepared for the fact that they might not give him a new one since it was his fault and out of EAA's control, but we hoped they might see that we did purchase it and issue a new one. The woman immediately called over someone else for help. About three other women circled around all trying to "understand" what happened to the wristband. All shaking their heads, saying they couldn't replace it without a receipt (which my husband had declined to take on Monday when the counter offered it to him, not ever thinking something like this would happen. Lesson learned). We truly understood that, HOWEVER, one of the women started shaking her head at my husband and tugging on her own weekly wristband, telling him that "NO way would that come off without your knowing it. We put these on so tight and they are THICK." That was uncalled for. Tell us it is policy and leave it at that. Don't insult the members who love and support EAA and its mission. We are good people who don't lie. In fact, I never even would've thought about someone trying to slip it off and to give to someone else to use until customer service had explained that as a scenario for why it's EAA's policy to not replace them.

    We arrived home tonight to an email from Victoria Norton telling my husband to bring in his receipt if he had it and if not, to contact a Chris Jovaag at the gate and he/she would take care of it. (This was in response to his email last night). So, there are some conflicting messages on this wristband policy.

    It was interesting because as we tried to purchase a regular daily pass for him today, the system wouldn't allow it because he ALREADY purchased that weekly pass. So, she wound up having to enter the tickets as spouse and guest for he & I. So, he's going to have to go through that explanation every day the rest of the week/weekend while they scratch their heads over why they have to enter him as a "guest". Might be easier to just pay the full non-member price.

    Yes, it's not fun to have to pay another $108 for each of the days left of Airventure, but we understand that it was HIS fault, he lost the wristband. So, I'm not here to gripe about the money portion. Just please tell your customer service reps that treating us like liars is never okay.

    I have to admit it really put a damper on the day. (I could only take off one day of work and chose Jet Day as my day). I do know that one customer service worker isn't a reflection of the organization as a whole, but it still sucked. (for lack of a better word)

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Clarklake, MI
    Sorry to hear of your experience. I was at a resort in Myrtle Beach SC this week. To use the resort's private facilities, they issue plastic bands when you check in which must be worn while on resort property. My son lost his band while swimming in the ocean and he was upset that he would not be able to use the resort's pool and other facilities since he lost his band. I went to the registration desk, told them the story, they checked the computer, saw that I was a guest and immediately issued another one. Seems they understood without any bright light interrogation.

  3. #3
    hydroguy2's Avatar
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    We flew home yesterday. In the midst of breaking camp and getting rained on, I forgot to go get a refund for the camping days I hadn't used. It's value about $ apparently no way get refund without being in person with the green card. I called today, left my info...but doubt I'll get any where. Kind of a bummer policy.
    It's just one dam job after another

    Brian C.
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  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGreatFlight View Post

    It was interesting because as we tried to purchase a regular daily pass for him today, the system wouldn't allow it because he ALREADY purchased that weekly pass.
    Seriously !!! (sigh) EAA knew he had already purchase a weekly pass, and would not accept that as a form of receipt. ?
    I feel your frustration with "THE SYSTEM" -- (or lack of it)

    Hopefully "Chris Jovaag" has the authority to make this right for you.

    Last edited by FS-MP; 07-27-2012 at 12:43 AM.

  5. #5
    Joe Delene's Avatar
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    If the computer showed he 'already had purchased the weekly pass', I would think that would be enough proof. I know it's hindsight but in a case like this I'd try to go to another agent or even ticket booth & tell them your story. You also have a better chance to sort it out in person rather than over the phone later on.

  6. #6
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGreatFlight View Post
    We arrived home tonight to an email from Victoria Norton telling my husband to bring in his receipt if he had it and if not, to contact a Chris Jovaag at the gate and he/she would take care of it.
    I'm really sorry to hear of the frustrating and negative experience you had. I'll talk to both Victoria and Chris, and ensure that one of them follows up with you to see what can be done to make things right.

    Hal Bryan
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  7. #7
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hydroguy2 View Post
    We flew home yesterday. In the midst of breaking camp and getting rained on, I forgot to go get a refund for the camping days I hadn't used. It's value about $ apparently no way get refund without being in person with the green card. I called today, left my info...but doubt I'll get any where. Kind of a bummer policy.
    Hi Brian - sorry to hear of your frustrations as well. I'm a little less clear on how camping refunds work, but I'll follow up as best as I can and make sure the right people on our end get in touch with you.

    Hal Bryan
    EAA Lifetime 638979
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    EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

  8. #8
    I wanted to followup this morning to say that there was a positive outcome to the situation. When my husband arrived this morning, the fellow he spoke with on the phone was at the booth and issued him a new weekly wristband. Victoria told him that it is policy to look it up in the system and issue a new one. She also said she would be explaining it to the workers up front so that they know for the future. Like I said, it's a huge event to put on, and I'm sure this little part of the many jobs/details they need to learn just got overlooked to some degree or misunderstood. All four of the workers yesterday were adamant that issuing a new one was against policy. So, I'm glad it will be made a little clearer now to avoid frustration for anyone else.

    Again, we never expected or demanded it be replaced because it was 100% his own fault, but we do appreciate that they recognized we weren't trying to do anything unsavory.

  9. #9
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Very glad to hear it - thanks for taking the time post and let us know that we got things straightened out.

    Hal Bryan
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  10. #10
    CarlOrton's Avatar
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    On a somewhat related note, this morning I ripped off my band putting on my backpack. Knowing of this thread, I thought, Oh Great - I'm hosed. I went up to the booth and they cheerfully replaced the band. Thank You!

    Carl Orton
    Sonex #1170 / Zenith 750 Cruzer

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