Quote Originally Posted by Racegunz View Post
I have seen the kit and it actually has an STC?????.... and I found it pathetic, works but, well.... go karts have better engineered systems which calling that an engineered system is a stretch. Don't get me wrong I'm glad there's an approved method out there it's just why did this one get the okay?
Have to disagree with you in several ways

"I found it pathetic, works but" Key word there is "Works". Apperance wise, yeah, it's probably not the neatest solution. But, I imagine it's lighter, easier to get parts for, and cheaper than any alternative method of attaching a starter.
I wouldn't call it a "engineered system" either- if I recall the article (haven't looked it up yet) Mr Hamp is just a old A & P who figured it out without a college degree in engineering. No doubt you can wait for a engineer designed "elegant" solution- I wouldn't, not much engineering work being done on 50+ year old airplanes without electrical systems
And from the FAA:
An STC will be issued only if:

  • the pertinent technical data have been examined and found satisfactory,
  • all necessary tests and compliance inspections have been completed, and
  • the alteration has been found to conform with the technical data

Nothing about technical expertise of the designer, appearance of the design, etc