Quote Originally Posted by av8rBlake View Post
See: http://www.theminicoupe.com/

nd: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini_Coupe

According to the Wiki article, Bill Johnson was the second "keeper" of the design, following Chris Tena. After Johnson, it was passed to "Buck Sport Aviation".

I don't have any personal knowledge of the design. I'm just an avid Google.com user.

hope this helps,

I first became aware of the Minicoupe from an article in 1974 in the "Homebuilt Aircraft" magazine. I think Don Dwiggans might have been the editor back then.
I first tried contacting Chris Tena aircraft corp. and after a few unanswered letters they replied they were no longer dealing in the aircraft. I eventually made contact with Bill Johnson whom I subsequently purchased the kit from.. All postal mail in those days, no internet.
Bill was always the one I dealt with when I had a construction query and have always been under the impreesion he was the designer, though I may stand to be corrected on that. From anything I was ever to read Bill was the man behind it all.
