Quote Originally Posted by Eric Witherspoon View Post
See my signature line. My "bumper sticker" for building it the way the plans show...
Well, I'm doing a full redesign, but... I was looking at the dimensions on the drawing & began to question whether my size 12s & 34 inch inseam would really fit, so I spent some time sitting in my MGB & 944 taking measurements, which convinced me there was no way I would fit comfortably. If I'm building something, I want to feel comfortable in it, so some things got stretched.

Quote Originally Posted by Eric Witherspoon View Post
A "greybeard" once told me the design is done when the whole team is equally unhappy with it. If someone's happy, they're holding too much margin... You need to figure out what their margin _really_ is...
Been there. Also, you can never make both the design team & the production team happy at the same time. I've been on both sides, so now I'm arguing with & compromising with myself.