One of my friends, on the other side of the country, may not be able to make AirVenture 2022 and has an AC room reserved and paid for. He and his wife have rental property damage that they are fixing up and is questioning if he will be able to make it to OSH this year. Since the room has been paid for more than 6-months, my understanding is that he will get none of his money back.

I believe that they started requiring ID when one checks in to pick up their dorm room key.

I have seen people sell their room in the dorm and others that have reserved more than one room. My question is how would my friend transfer his room to someone else if there is a requirement to show ID when checking in?

My room is paid for. My airplane and I are ready to fly. If the airplane develops a problem or my health goes down hill, I will change from flying to driving.