The Van's RV-4 seems to fit my needs and my budget (around $50k). I like the looks, the low operating cost, its aerobatic capability. I like the idea of being able to legally do the maintenance.

I currently have a '67 KCAB Citarbria. I've put about 100 hours on it in the last 6 months.

I like the looks of the sliding canopy but it isn't a deal breaker. An IFR/glass cockpit would be nice because I hope to eventually get an instrument rating. I am familiar with the Lycoming O-320. I like adjustable pitch prop but not the expense.

What do I need to look for? Electric flaps and trim?

Is there some other airplane that will do what the RV-4 does cheaper?

I'm going to Oshkosh in July mostly to look at RV-4s.