I too experienced an unpleasant event at Camp Scholler with generator noise. Not sure what exactly precipitated the increase of complaints in the forum about generators but I have never experienced this in all the years of attending since 1982. One cause may have been the flipping of the 24 hour generator site to its new location. Might I suggest, until people get used to where it is, hand out a full page colored flyer on the outside of the camping welcome packet and have those individuals who hand out the packets script a comment such as, "Please be aware that the 24 hour generator camp sites have changed and please glance at the flyer I just handed out". It is unrealistic to have it buried in a bag that no one opens till camp is set up. I was boxed in with campers who were not aware of the change and had planned on running their generators for 24 hours. Also better signage may help in directing campers. Not everyone enters from the few locations that had signs posted. Also around me were parked other tents. I would also suggest that those who plan to run their generators from 6:30 am to 10:30 pm, park in the 24 hour generator area where no one cares as they will also have their generators on. I have no other complaints about Oshkosh Air Venture and feel the volunteers do a great job and for the most part all the people I meet are great. The whole overall event is great with all that is offered. But it can sure ruin a much deserved and anticipated vacation with loud generators in your face all day long. Not to mention the toxic fumes and no sleep. I don't want to suggest to anyone that you can't have your right to run your generator for your needs and comfort. That's why areas are set up for generator. But I also have a right to to have a no generator or limited hour generator area for my health and wellness, wants and needs too.