Given a steak. Unhappy because is wasn't Filet Mignon? Anything the FAA is involved in is going to be bureaucratic just by their nature. I don't know how you could expect anything else. But now it's 4 years rather than 2. I can deal with my own physician whom I see annually for a physical anyway rather than playing games with an FAA blessed AME that adds no value to my health care. If I ever need a special issuance, it's a one time deal, not an annual deal requiring six months grounded while waiting for the FAA paper pushers. It may not be everything you wanted, but it's a heck of a big step in the right direction. It was only 10 years ago that we were finally able to push the FAA into allowing powered flight without a physical (light sport class). In terms of a government bureaucracy relinquishing power, getting two steps forward in just over a decade is a lot. Maybe 10 years from now, the FAA can be further pushed to meet your desires... if there are enough like minded folks to help you push it. No matter what the proposal, there will always be those with an agenda to oppose it. So it is rare that any proposal goes through congress or a bureaucracy without a significant amount of watering down. In this case, if you don't like the new law, you can always continue getting a 3rd class med. As for me, I don't expect to ever see my AME again unless he happens to be out at the airport.

-Cub Builder