I also agree with the last thread - you have to find a good instructor - I also first learned in the Citabtria - and I did 5 hours or so of instruction before I sold my old non aerobatic certified plane and bought the RV4 I have now. I can do all the same aerobatic's with the RV4 I did in the citrabtria and I find it's faster and more fun - I have added new aerobatic manuvers - that my plane and I are capable of - by doing research - reading etc... the book I have read - so far is called "aerobatics" it's from this guy named - Neil williams - and apparently this book was at one time hailed as a bible for aerobatically inclined folks such as us. Although it was written in the 70's - many of the chapters are easily transfered to what we are still doing today - - only the plane's have changed . Of course at the higher level's such as the un limited or advanced class - things have changed but he still goes into some of that stuff. Understanding Aresti - being able to put together your own sequences etc.. it's all good. I have been able to put together 15 or so manuver's into a sequence that lasts about 5 min or so - lots of fun and you get good by practice and by making mistakes and figuring out what you did wrong. My plane dosn't have inverted fuel except for a flop tube or inverted oil system so I have to work within those constraints - I plan to change that soon! I would love to add more figures and more inverted figures to my porfolio of sequences I can do. There is also a good segment on G's and what that does to you - one warning I've heard time and time again - and I'll tell you about this in case you end up in this senario - never - go - negative - even for a bit - then positive imediatly afterwards - what he's referring to - is - say - 1.5G neg for 2 - 3 sec's or less even - then doing say a loop or other positive manuver that would say produce 3 - 4G's- - normally you would be fine usually I have not problems with even higher then 4 - but if you do the neg's first then imediatly go into the positive G manuver - you will likely black out! I have experienced the tunnel vision thing that happens with extended positive G - say a tight Min radius turn- holding 3.5 - 4G for an extended period and a few times in Spilt S's - since they seem to pull a bit more G then my usual loops do. Just a warning I've heard about. Also practice your aerobatics at a safe altitude - say 4000feet or so - well depends on the ground elevation of course but here it's about 1000 feet our airport - we have a couple of known practice areas I usually call out that I will be in one of those areas for 15 - 20 min - at 3000 - 5000 feet sort of deal.

I hope that you can find a decent instructor in your area - even if you have to fly a away's a way - I did that I had to fly down to get lessons - in a city about 100miles to the south. It was well worth it as there are no aerobtic instructors near here. Get invovled with the IAC - chapter in your area as well if you want to learn more about aerobatics and contests etc... I hope to compete next summer in sportsman in my RV4 - which is about as high a catagory I can hope to do with this plane. Some day I hope to have a better aerobatic machine. BEST of LUCK! keep safe.