Disclaimer: Thank you for all the volunteers who drove the trams durning OSH2016. The comments below in no way reflect on you generosity in giving of your free time!

I feel it is time for a complete over haul of the tram system run durning OSH. First lets talk about perceived problems then lets Suggest some solutions. This year as we set a record attendance at OSH I felt like we reached a plateau in the overall positive experience versus fighting the crowd. Because of the size of OSH and the aging crowds the tram system has become a vital part to move people from one location to another. I understand that because the event is only one week a year there is a certain level of efficiency Versus cost that will be reached.

At intermediate stops trams were full most of the time.
Trams bunching up together so as there were long waits some times.
Tram stations became very muddy when rain fell.
Trams Didn't run frequently on Sunday before OSH started on Monday.
The color tram Flags have become outdated and confusing.

Create a core group of volunteers with better training for each driver and rear attendant.
Add an attendant at each tram stop on the ground to help regulate timing so trams don't get bunched up one right after another. In other words the ground attendant would monitor spacing and not let the stopped tram leave until the previous tram had some time to move father ahead.
Prepare larger tram stations the week prior with crushed rock for better drainage.
Use Sunday as a training and practice day and it also helps arriving pilots move out to front bus station to ride to the housing.
Consider adding banners or some type of better signage on top of trams that show the route.
Consider adding express trams that start at the ultra lights and go non stop the the war birds. Maybe this will help free up intermediate stops for other passengers. These express trams can exit fairgrounds at the one-man-band location, run the outer edge along the fence and reenter along the
Foundation Rd and reverse course the same route.
Create a position, which might be called the Tram Czar, for one guy who spends the whole week supervising the tram system with a few associates with walky talkies to help him keep the trams running at optimum levels. Maybe they could loan him a window in the back of the tower facing west.

OK, Oshkosh attendees lets hear your thoughts on the subject.