Dennis, it was announced in the webinar that if a pilot or volunteer was accused of wrongdoing that the EAA policy would cover them same as Chapter officers. I can't find this anywhere. In addition we were told EAA would secure the attorney for volunteer/pilot. Again I can't find that in writing anywhere. Could you clarify this?

Please read the authorization for the background check. It gives Americhecked a lot more than what EAA was representing, I find it absolutely a non starter for the background check. Can the authorization be changed and tailored to the EAA program?

Third a single pilot giving rides does not need the two deep leadership/ monitors. Yet at a rally with dozens of parents, friends, Chapter members, kids etc. we do need the two deep. That just doesn't make sense. Anyone who knows anything about child abuse/ molestation knows the perp wants a one on one with a child, not a group situation. The two deep just doesn't make sense and could stop a rally if enough vetted volunteers are not in attendance.

Thank you for your time.