
I am shopping for safety harnesses for the BD-4C that I am building. This is a four-place airplane and my intention is to never be upside down or aerobatic in it :-) Front seats are adapted from a Piper twin, pretty upright with the bottom of the seat frames about 7 inches off the floor. Back seating is a sling seat with the passengers' butts very close to the floor.

I am thinking 4-point harnesses for everybody. I know that 5-point is safer but wonder about the difficulty in getting "normal" passengers to fasten the crotch strap.

What recommendations do you have? 4 vs 5 point? Style of buckle? Width of webbing? Brand? Supplier?

And... of course... I have the age old conflict of wanting "inexpensive" and "safety equipment." :-)

-- Art Z.