Quote Originally Posted by Clarke Tate View Post
I remember my first convention as a 7 year old. We walked to a theater and watched a film, camped in tents and had ICE cold showers. I remember reading a Sport Aviation article by Tony Binglelis about building his Piel Emeruade while I hid inside my sleeping bag, in a tent trying to keep the magazine from getting wet during a pouring rain (tents were even literally blowing down the road that convention). I loved that convention; someday I would build my own airplane!

I never thought when I was 7 that I would be heading into the "older" segment of members. I am slowly building my own airplane and have a smile every time I have a moment to do so. That idea is only fostered by articles in Sport Aviation that discuss and showcase building, however basic it might be. If that ceases, as it has certainly been doing progressively over many years, this organization will cease to be much more than AOPA that originated with homebuilder roots "many years ago"!

I agree that much discussed very quickly here in a forum was once only contained in the publication. If however the highlights contained here regarding building are not also a prominent feature, and a core element, of the flagship EAA publication SPORT AVIATION the future is bleak. Young people will not dream of building an aircraft because the seed and an idea that building is possible are not adequately conveyed. Online release of the publications for digital reading on iPads and laptops, as well as the forums, is important to reach an audience that will increasingly find paper publications “quaint”. The roots of EAA are clear and unless we foster those as the future, EAA will cease to be relevant but simply another aviation organization.
I agree 100%. The prevailing rationalization by the pinheads in Oshkosh seems to be that the mag should reflect the fact that fewer are building aircraft. The reason EAA was founded in the first place was to PROMOTE homebuilding. J Mac and his ilk just don't get this or care to.....