I'm sure I can build a plane, but I'm not an engineer or designer. I have no way to recognize a typo, or that information is missing or just plain inaccurate. If the plans don't indicate what bolt goes into a particular hole, what am I to do? EAA should create a way for builders to submit the errors and omissions they find on plans along with corrections. The folks who sell plans should update them so the information is correct and complete. With the Hatz Classic, right off the bat there was a discrepancy between grain direction for a gusset. It's been one problem after another.

There's no reason for builders to fill their forums and waste time while getting frustrated with plans related questions. Let's get them fixed. Why haven't those who completed a project documented all the problems?

So, EAA, if you can, create a centralized location where builders can submit helpful information that identifies problems in the plans and their solutions/corrections. Thank you.