Quote Originally Posted by Joe LaMantia View Post
I'm not a aerobatic pilot, but I do have a lot of experience with parachutes. I spent 5 of my 6 years in the AF Reserve as a loadmaster. I've packed hundreds of parachutes and flown many air drop missions day and night dropping equipment and troops. The parachute is a fairly simple invention and very reliable. I have never jumped out of an airplane but if you wear one, even without any actual training, you will feel very secure with opening doors in flight and such. I've flown lots of "students" at the jump school in Fort Benning, GA and watched the smiles appears as they bounce back from the initial shock of the chute opening! If your wearing a parachute be sure and pay attention to the ground/water that your flying over, landing on a roof or in the middle of an Interstate could get you just as dead as flying into the ground nose first.

Army riggers always packed our parachutes.