I just emailed this..

Relative to so many of the "lifers" who have been attending & supporting for many, many years, I'm just an Convention baby. I've been fortunate enough to have enjoyed the experience that is AirVenture/Oshkosh/EAA/Convention for 12 years now, without a break. Frustratingly, & sadly, I could not get the time off work so was unable to join in the camaraderie this year. Definitely not my idea of a fun week, being stuck here (Maryland), knowing a little of what is going on there in Oshkosh.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so for the first time ever I started to follow the whole event online. All week I have been living the Oshkosh experience vicariously through the hard work and great contribution of those willing to spend their time sharing. I've been obsessively glued to Facebook awaiting Hal Bryan's latest update photo to the EAA FB page, devouring every post by friends who mention Oshkosh, listening to Steve Buss & the EAA radio team's great interviews when I can, watching Jim Soyk's outstanding videos when I can, checking in on the webcams when I can, and the forum when I have time. And of course, tuned into LiveATC.com on Saturday & Sunday. I was trying to pack (moving house, again) up the contents of the kitchen cupboards while listening, but what with all Hal's great photos of fantastic planes frequently updating as new aircraft arrived, accompanied by his very funny comments, & being totally distracted listening to the thrill of the arrivals, I have no idea what is in each box. I'd say this is probably the horse version of me listening to LiveATC & "flying" the arrival procedures, in the kitchen, surrounded by cardboard boxes & packing paper -


Good thing no one was here to see me....!

It has really opened my eyes to the importance of the online communication of the whole week, both for those who, like me, are unable to attend, as well as for those who have never attended and are taking an initial look. The constant updates on Facebook are invaluable for cheering me up throughout the day and reducing the feeling of separation I have experienced. I don't know what it costs EAA (I'm guessing if you just keep feeding Hal new planes, & great aeroplane people he'd be pretty content) but I do believe it is worth every penny & dollar spent. I certainly hope this is my only year of missing Convention, but I know I am one of many, many folks around the world stuck in a similarly unenviable position, and that will happen every year. Please continue to maintain, and develop this wonderful asset as technology expands and gives us unimaginable opportunities to share with those less fortunate.

Please pass on my email & extremely grateful thanks to all who work so hard to share this wonderful event with those of us stuck "not there".

Back to my vicarious Oshkosh experience. Here's to a safe rest of the week.

Thank you,

Janet Davidson