Quote Originally Posted by Mike Switzer View Post
OK, I'm convinced. Fitting tubular main gear from a 172 would make things a whole lot simpler.......
Fitting tubular legs is a sound idea from a practical, economical and efficiency standpoint. Doing so, you should realize that it is very important to install gear leg fairings, wheel pants, and intersection fairings to those tubular legs. In fact, those components are so vital for drag reduction and increased top speed that Van's will tell you fitting those components to an RV will add at least 12 MPH or put another way....the equivalent of adding an additional 27 H.P.!

Here is an old fluid dynamics video. While the 6 minute video itself is dated, its valuable information is timeless and quite revealing. At the very least, you will come to understand the dramatic drag difference between air flowing over a simple round tube and air flowing over the same tube when aerodynamically faired:
