Quote Originally Posted by polar View Post
Hi all,

After googling sport pilot flight school and seeing the overwhelming results, I came to the forum instead. I searched here and found positive recomenditions to Lockwood, Stewarts aircraft, and Blue Ridge sport flight....


I just got my Sport Pilot airman's certificate working with Greg Collins at Blue Ridge Sport Flight (as in, just yesterday). I've had several false starts with other instructors, etc (not their fault - I have a weird schedule). Greg got me through the required instruction and the flight exam in less time than predicted, no muss, no fuss. I could not be happier.

Now having said that, there are some things about the Blue Ridge situation that may be good for some and not for others. I think for you, being from Alaska, it will be good. Greg instructs out of Johnson Field, which is a rough grass strip next to Hendersonville Airport. It has difficult approaches made more challenging by fluky, sometimes crazy (to me, anyway), winds. Your crosswind, short field, and soft field technique will be strong, strong, strong by the time you finish with Greg.

Your checkride will be at Knoxville-Downtown. Pull out a sectional. Yep, you will be flying across the Smokies twice in one day in a 65 hp Champ with two up. And Greg is not skinny. Though not like the peaks of Alaska, this is the real deal among the options you listed. When you get your ticket with Greg, IMO, you are much more prepared for what you might face in Alaska than if you took instruction in Florida with easy breezes on airstrips with no obstacles and miles of flat, sea level sandy scrub.

If you want to feel confident about your abilities from here on out, go with Greg at Blue Ridge in a Champ. This is obviously all just my opinion, just one data point.