Quote Originally Posted by Mayhemxpc View Post
Is there anyone who doesn't need more training?

It is not just aviation...

"The power of the media is willful and dangerous because it dramatically affects Western pollcy while bearing no responsibity for the outcome"
-- Robert Kaplan, Foreign Correspondent, the Atlantic
And this goes to the problem we'll never solve, since it speaks to the heart of integrity. Pilots, in the main, are overly confident, fussy, nitpicky, friendly pains in the rear who will at once state their strengths as aviators and then point out their fallibilities in the same breath.

None of us will say we don't need more training, or that we don't have things to learn - which is grist for the journalistic mill.

The flip side is that we also tend to be a bit quick to denegrate other pilot's abilities when things go wrong. One can be fully qualified and experienced at a task and things go wrong...it doesn't mean the pilot is a bozo, it just means that he is human and lead himself down the accident chain.

Not to say that some pilots aren't bozos. Luck is a mitigating factor but should never be a primary operating fundamental.