Very bad news for the Pearson Air Museum in Vancouver WA.

The National Park Service, which owns the Pearson Air Museum buildings and land on which they sit, has ended the agreement with the City of Vancouver, under which the City and the nonprofit Fort Vancouver National Trust have been operating the Museum since 1995.

One problem ...
It will be an empty building "because there's nothing in there the park service owns," [National Trust president Elson] Strahan said.

"The community built the museum and sustained the museum. The trust owns about half the planes (on display) and the other half are on loan to the trust," Strahan said.

The exhibits will be moved to a City-owned hangar on the airport.

Over the years the Museum has built up good will between the airport and the community by hosting popular events, which also raise funds for museum operations. But recently the National Park Service has rejected applications for events (such as a youth soccer festival and a countywide church picnic) which NPS deemed "inconsistent" with the 1829 trading post replica which NPS operates next to the airport.