Let me provide a contrarian view. There can be bad neighbors and there can be bad pilotage.

I live about one nautical mile north of a general aviation field. When I first moved here there was no control tower. All traffic (crosswind, downwind and base legs) was directed to be south side of the field. Life was good and the unknowing were not aware there was an airport nearby.

Along came a control tower that is not really needed. It was wasted taxpayer dollars in the interests of "safety". They now allow ops on the north side of the field. Which, is generally not a problem.

However, there are some pilots that make low inbound and outbound flights using lots of power. I really love it when a guy with a constant speed prop leaves it in fine pitch and takeoff power for ten minutes after departure. And then there are the helicoptors that seem to fly at tree top level if they want to. The professionally operated business jets are not the problem as they generally depart straight in and out. It is the piston powered boys.

So, as a pilot and as a home owner I am at cross purposes. I cannot support the airport any longer given their failure to take into consideration my concerns. They don't care about me. I can't care about them. If there was a vote to now close the field (which won't happen) I would vote for closure.