"and I'm bringing my almost 6 year old son."

I am bringing my 9 year old Grandson, right now he is really excited, But I am not sure if there is enough to hold him captive for the full week. He LOVES airplanes he loves airshows and I too am looking for more things for him to engage in and, when I build my first plane, he wants to help! That said he is still 9 years old so I need to find things that will capture his interest, beside the airshows daily. I am sure that for at least 2 or 3 days he will be excited but after that I really dont know.

I was happy to see someone else who is bringing a youngster, if worst comes to worst we could always "pair them up" and maybe they can sort it out for themselvs!

Anyhow, we should not be hard to find...we are the ones in the shirts that say: "this is my first OSKOSH please excuse my mistakes"

Good luck and Hope to see every one in a week or so!
