Zack, replace the words "roadable aircraft" with "WWII fighter." We'll no doubt get tons of interested discussion about what would be the best fighter to own.

But I wouldn't want someone to read what's said here and run out and open "Honest Blogries' Quality Used Fighters." Enthusiasm does not equate to economic sense, and online gab does not equal a valid business case.. A lot of people would like to talk about how a roadable aircraft would change their lives, but few folks are likely to lay the money down on the counter to actually *buy* one.

What *could* you do with the $300,000 a roadable aircraft would cost? You could buy any number of fun planes to fly, and have enough money left over to park Corvettes at your likely destinations. Or buy a Twin Beech and set up a ramp to push an ATV into the cabin. Or buy a used Lancair and get to your destination so fast that the time required to transfer to a rental car is trivial.

For most of us, the sad reality is that we can only afford one airplane at a time. A roadable airplane is almost always a mediocre car and a low-performing aircraft.

Ron Wanttaja