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Thread: Tram use

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    EAA may have some exemption for ventilation?
    EAA statement on website is:
    Where possible, EAA is adding shuttles and buses to accommodate higher anticipated needs, but there are no distancing requirements for shuttles. We are asking to have bus windows open to increase ventilation inside the vehicles. We also recommend wearing masks when distancing is not possible aboard those shuttles.

  2. #22
    Mayhemxpc's Avatar
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    I carefully went over the order Bill so helpfully linked and then the subsequent CDC guidances publishers March 23 and May 13. Open air shuttles are never addressed and there is some room for debate as to whether such conveyances are covered by the CDC order. For one, the March 23 and May 13 guidance only refers to "public transportation." Anyway, as I posted earlier, there will be at least one more regulation or explanatory guidance published between now and then. But if we wind up having to put a man on to get on the shuttle, it shouldn't be a big deal.

    By the way, according to the CDC rules, military grade chemical/biological/radiological protective masks "do not fulfill the requirements of the order" mask-travel-guidance.html
    Chris Mayer

  3. #23
    Sirota's Avatar
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    At the risk of getting shot down... My understanding is that masks reduce (not prevent) the transfer of Covid (and other viruses) FROM the person wearing the mask TO those around him/her. As a courtesy to our flying family, I would hope everyone would wear a mask in crowded situations (trams, buses, exhibition halls). I'll leave whether it works or not for others to debate, but what could it hurt? Vaccines prevent MOST transmission but not 100%. I don't plan on wearing a mask when I'm wandering around the flight line, but I do plan on wearing one in crowded areas and hope others will too.

  4. #24
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Goes both ways to various extents. I've been wearing N95 since I got back from Australia in March 2020. Those are fairly effective at protecting the person wearing it. I was fortunate that I had a couple of boxes in my workshop (I'm sensitive to wood dust) and my wife had bought some for our Australia trip fearing that there would still be smoke issues there from pervasive wild fires (fortunately, the rains had put that out by the time we arrived). Even after donating over half my stash to local healthcare workers early on, I had enough to last me until the supply chain opened up again.

  5. #25
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Franck View Post
    A mask can't hurt??
    Science says otherwise.
    Medical professionals have been wearing face masks for hours on end for a century or more. And *now* it’s discovered to be harmful?

    Ron Wanttaja

  6. #26
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Franck View Post
    A mask can't hurt??
    Science says otherwise.
    Publication described as a "Pretend Journal":

    This past year, when an undergraduate biology student at the University of the Fraser Valley approached dean of science Lucy Lee for $2,000 to publish a paper in an academic journal, Dr. Lee had immediate concerns about the request. She’d had a bad experience with the journal in question, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, while doing a review for the publication. She discovered a lack of rigour in some of the journal’s articles, was alarmed at its many retractions and corrections, and had concerns with the journal’s practice of publishing an “acknowledgement” issue with a very long list of reviewers to make it look credible.

    The publisher, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), churns out nearly 160 scholarly journals a year, many of them of mediocre quality, according to Jeffrey Beall, an associate professor and librarian at the University of Colorado Denver, and one of the world’s leading experts on what he calls “predatory” open access publishing. Each week, MDPI and other questionable publishers hound Dr. Lee by email, asking her to review submissions that she considers shoddy. Mr. Beall has called this particular environmental publication a “pretend journal.” So when Dr. Lee next saw the biology student, she alerted her to the potential problems and redirected her to more credible scholarly publications, such as FACETS, a Canadian open access journal.

    Predatory and mediocre journals are based on the model of open access publishing in which authors pay fees to have their work published online. However, unlike legitimate journals, they bombard academics with spam emails, accept almost all submissions and overstate the rigour of their peer-review processes. They also often conveniently neglect to mention publication fees until late in the process.

    Ron Wanttaja

  7. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Franck View Post
    A mask can't hurt??
    Science says otherwise.
    I meant a simple comfortable porous cloth face covering not the N95 in the article. The N95 is much more restrictive for industrial areas and heavy sawdust etc. Not for sick people.

  8. #28
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Franck View Post
    Just because something was done hours on end for a century does not qualify it as safe or effective.
    It does call into question as to how there are NO studies to indicate masks are bad. Until mask wear becomes a political issues, then "poof"... there's a report in a "journal."

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Franck View Post
    Thank God physicians stopped bleeding sick people ,even though it was a long established, accepted practice.
    Damn straight. And *that's* the value of science. When the evidence is overwhelming, science changes its mind. Bleeding WAS once a standard treatment. It isn't anymore, because research proved it harmful.

    Science doesn't stick with the past because of tradition or politics (though both can make it hard to implement change). The theory that a meteor caused the extinction of the dinosaurs is a good example. The guy was laughed at, initially. But once more and more evidence was collected, the scientific community came into line.

    Though I figure Steve Martin illustrated it best...

    Ron "Say, who's the barber here" Wanttaja

  9. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by troy_m View Post
    Not sure about the trams, but I know the shuttles that run from the UWO dorms will be limited to the seating capacity of the bus. No standing, everyone will need to be seated. And unless the federal mask mandate is ended before then, masks will be required.
    Just trying to provide some information based on what I know, and look at what it gets me! Geez! Whether you agree with/like masks or not, per the federal presidential order, this is currently the requirement on any form of mass transportation (commercial flights, trains, local transit buses). Since the shuttle from UWO campus to AirVenture grounds is operated by the entity that operates the transit system in Oshkosh, this order would also apply to that shuttle. Certainly I hope it would change prior to AirVenture, but not holding my breath! Getting back to the trams (which is the subject of this thread), I don't think it would apply there.

  10. #30
    robert l's Avatar
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