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Thread: Oshkosh 2021?

  1. #201

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Oklahoma City, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by Lindberg View Post
    200 miles? Ha! How abpout 1405 miles F-150 pulling a Harley Davidson Road King Classic on a trailer. Pray for favorable winds.

    Leave the pickup at home and ride the motorcycle......................oh wait............ it's a Harley...never mind. I've ridden my Goldwing from Oklahoma City to OSH a couple of times.

  2. #202
    Lindberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbalexander View Post
    Leave the pickup at home and ride the motorcycle......................oh wait............ it's a Harley...never mind. I've ridden my Goldwing from Oklahoma City to OSH a couple of times.
    Goldwing? Do I smell rice? Nevermind. And, Buy the way, I don't trailer to Sturgis. I trailer my beautiful 2003 Roadking Classic from Melbourne, FL to the eastern border of Minnesota, where I leave my beautiful Harley Davidson Roadking Classic along with my wife at her sisters wherby I then drive om truck to Oshkosh for AirVenture (and yes, I have rode my Harley Davidson Roadking Classic, made in Wisconsin, by Americans, in the past, after I sold my Cessna. After AirVenture I return to Minnsota and Ride out to Spearfish on my Harley Davidson Roadking Classic. Some years I even ride further to Cheyenne, WY. My return ride is often, including this year to Fargo, ND to visit my grandson. Not bad for a 74 year old nordic American, huh? Riding from Melbourne, FL to Minnesota is not a great ride. I know cuz I have been there and done that. BTW: My first Harley was a 1954 Harley Hummer when I lived in Oklahoma (your part of the country) Ft. Sill, OK, just a nice short ride from Whichita Falls, TX. Hope you get to AirVenture safely this year. For me now it is a gamble.
    Last edited by Lindberg; 02-09-2021 at 11:13 AM. Reason: correction

  3. #203

    Pancakes and the Virus

    Maybe it's a little too early to ask but just wondering if EAA has made a decision on whether selected Chapters will be putting on the Pancake Breakfast fund raisers at the Chapters Pavillion during AV2021?
    .....and will EAA be providing meals at the volunteer kitchen prior to opening day for those who are working early?
    .....and will Operation Thirst be delivering drinks and sandwiches around the grounds?

    As for masks and vaccinations.....none for me, thank you. If you feel at risk or afraid you'll catch the dreaded Covid you might want to sit this one out.
    The particle size of the Covid virus is so small that the typical mask is entirely ineffective. It can stay airborne for up to 16 hours in a draftless surrounding so your 6 foot social distancing is a joke. It is recommended you not wear the same mask for longer than 2 hours. After that it becomes a petri dish for bacteria. It also cuts down your available oxygen level and increases your carbon dioxide levels. Does your mask ever feel "wet" after wearing it a short while? Yea, and that is akin to rubbing spit all over your mouth and nose. I could go on and on but hopefully you're starting to get the picture.
    Most vaccines are brought to the market after years, I repeat years of clinical trials. If you're one of the early one innoculated with the available vaccines congratulations, you just voluntairily became part of the test group and if you do have a vaccine injury you are on your own. Big Brother has given their partners in crime, Big Pharma immunity from liability. Would you buy and fly a airplane from a manufacturer if that manufacturer couldn't be held liable for fault on their part?
    We're being controlled with fear and kept in the dark with mis-information and outright lies and manipulated numbers.
    Some will disagree with me, other may think I'm a fringe, wacko, conspiracy therorist and I'm OK with that. Just try to be as informed as you possibly can rather than swollowing the narrative being fed to us day and night on the boob tube.

  4. #204
    PaulDow's Avatar
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    In the February chapter information video, Charlie says they’re accepting applications from chapters to host the pancake breakfasts.
    IDK about the other questions.

  5. #205
    Lindberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Franck View Post

    As for masks and vaccinations.....none for me, thank you. If you feel at risk or afraid you'll catch the dreaded Covid you might want to sit this one out.
    ther than swollowing the narrative being fed to us day and night on the boob tube.
    I will have been vaccinated buy AirVenture 2021, so I will have some protection from the Covid-19. I have been getting vaccinations all my life. I'll just do it again. Masks? I don't want no stinking masks. I don't need no stinking masks. However, if that's what it takes to go to AirVenture 2021, that's what I will do.

  6. #206
    Im a retired dentist--wore a mask and gloves for the last 35 years I worked
    I Think Rush is a liberal.
    I got vaccinated. My gut feelings,Science and My MD friends said smart thing to do
    Had a 50 year old friend that felt like you did-- Died of covid--We had his funeral last week.
    Can give you his widows number so you can call her and convince her that her husbands beliefs were correct
    will be in Oshkosh in may for work week
    then two weeks during airadventure
    I'll be the one wearing a mask

  7. #207
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    One of the saddest things about this pandemic is how mask-wearing has become politicized.

    Kind of reminds me of the '70s, when the US mandated putting seat belts in cars. You had people buying new cars, and cutting the seat belts out in protest. They'd leave the buckle end in the receptacle to keep the warning chime from going off.

    Ron "Stupidity kills...but not fast enough to really matter" Wanttaja

  8. #208
    Mayhemxpc's Avatar
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    Ron, I forgot about that. I knew some people that did that. They weren't all in the "hold my beer and watch this" crowd. Some of those seatbelts were somewhat less than mechanically reliable. The retraction mechanism would jam and some were notorious for not releasing, especially after an impact. But the technology quickly improved. Personally, I drove a 1973 VW. I always wore my seatbelt and made sure my passengers had theirs on -- but with no illusion that it would be of any significant benefit in a front end collision. What a great car! (Kind of like a Cherokee of the same vintage.)

    Is wearing a mask going to keep me from getting the virus? I don't know, maybe yes, maybe no. Like most things, it depends. But I wear it where it is required to make other people comfortable. Like seatbelts, it is only a minor inconvenience. It does make talking over the intercom using the headset difficult.
    Chris Mayer

  9. #209
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhemxpc View Post
    Personally, I drove a 1973 VW. I always wore my seatbelt and made sure my passengers had theirs on -- but with no illusion that it would be of any significant benefit in a front end collision. What a great car! (Kind of like a Cherokee of the same vintage.)
    I had a '64 VW at first, then a '74. Still think of them as great little cars. Eventually I "worked up" to a 1974 "Thing." Now THAT was a POS. But when I listed it for sale, I had folks lining up...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhemxpc View Post
    Is wearing a mask going to keep me from getting the virus? I don't know, maybe yes, maybe no. Like most things, it depends. But I wear it where it is required to make other people comfortable. Like seatbelts, it is only a minor inconvenience. It does make talking over the intercom using the headset difficult.
    When it gets below about 45 degrees, I wear a ski mask in my Fly Baby. It definitely does make communication more difficult. In some cases, though, I think it's just my face getting stiff from the cold.

    The wife and I went out for V-day last night. It struck me how commonplace and routine mask-wearing had become in my part of the country. Wear it into the restaurant, take it off when the drinks arrive, put it back on to leave. Everybody was doing it as second nature.

    I'll certainly be happy when it's no longer needed, but it's just a minor irritant, now.

    Ron "Luke, I am your father" Wanttaja

  10. #210
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Well the website page for weekend work parties does say they will be providing meals but encourages volunteers to camp. Watched the chapter video, sounds like EAA is betting on widespread vaccination by the time AV rolls around.

    I was more excited to hear about the land acquisition and movement of the UL runway by 2023. That’s been kicking around for a couple of years, guess it finally came to fruition.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

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