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Thread: Contingency Planning - Return to the days of old?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    GeorgeP - you are 100% correct in your assessment of the global situation. Social distancing and EVERYONE (including all of every societies' brain-dead lunkheads) following the pretty simple to understand other medical advisories is the VITAL link in the chain to stop the rapid spread of this virus. NO health care system on the planet is capable of handling an overwhelming rush of patients needing very limited and specific resources, like a ventilator.
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  2. #12
    CarlOrton's Avatar
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    Gee, Randy, I wouldn’t call myself a lunkhead....

    Concur with your and George’s positions on the need to take the proper steps. I can’t believe how many cars are on the road ( when I go for groceries). They’re not all going to the store....

    HOWEVER, I believe it is incumbent on us all to have the best outlook to give us a smile or hope for for something in the future. It lifts our spirits to think about happier times, and that alone has been proven therapeutically. Do I really expect a flash mob Convention?!? I doubt it could happen with the expected timelines involved, but, boy, I had fun thinking about it!!!

    Carl Orton
    Sonex #1170 / Zenith 750 Cruzer

  3. #13

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    The last pandemic was two years, 2009-2010. Gathering 650,000 from around the world might be a concern to the locals.
    I would vote for a bigger event in 2021 but with distancing rules if possible.

  4. #14

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    I admit, that when I am being overly kind and courteous, I refer to anyone refusing to following the well published simple guidelines to prevent the spread of this deadly contagion as 'lunkheads'. You don't want to know what I call them in private - LOL

    MY city had to have the Mayor close the entire 30+ miles of Lakefront parks and trails because of the MANY mopes & dopes who still gathered in large groups, played contact sports like basketball, soccer etc..

    Yes I still grocery shop, only now it's just once every 2-3 weeks, I practice rigorous bleach solution sanitization and a minimum of 72 hours of quarantine zone holding for ANY item that comes into my home, packages from online ordering, the mail, and yes even groceries. I'm 71 and in the high risk group. I survived a year in Vietnam with an entire country trying to kill me and I'll be durned if I'm gonna let a virus do what a war couldn't.

    I would suggest that THIS is an excellent read to deal with stress and anxiety, especially now. I have NO idea if the author is also trying to peddle any nonsense, but he is on point in this article iMHO.
    Last edited by CHICAGORANDY; 04-03-2020 at 10:59 AM.
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  5. #15
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Well, in the vein of wishful thinking, IF AV20 is cancelled (and I think it will) and IF conditions improve so that travel and social distancing restrictions are lifted at some point before the Fall, then I'm all for an "old-school" fly-in convention like EAA used to have. If vendors can attend, great but not required. If folks can't make it -- no worries, see ya in 2021. No one said that a grass-roots convention has to duplicate a regular AirVenture. With just some modest logistics support, it could be done and could be a lot of fun.
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
    RV-10 N728TT - Flying
    EAA Lifetime Member

  6. #16
    Let me ask you guys this: how many planes do you think would fly in if someone called flash mob weekend at Whitman field? My money is on between 500 and 1000, and about half of those planes bring multiple people. So 2-3000 ish people. At an otherwise operating class D with scheduled airline service. That means TSA and movement boundaries on the airport.

    What do you think happens when 1000 unscheduled planes arrive at an airport and just decide to park somewhere on the grass? What do you think happens when 2000 people need to go #2?
    Last edited by Sam Oleson; 04-06-2020 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Vulgarity

  7. #17
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Gleason View Post
    Let me ask you guys this: how many planes do you think would fly in if someone called flash mob weekend at Whitman field? My money is on between 500 and 1000, and about half of those planes bring multiple people. So 2-3000 ish people. At an otherwise operating class D with scheduled airline service. That means TSA and movement boundaries on the airport.

    What do you think happens when 1000 unscheduled planes arrive at an airport and just decide to park somewhere on the grass? What do you think happens when 2000 people need to go #2?

    If this happens, it will be a literal shit show.
    Geez. OK let's drop "flash mob" from the discussion--admittedly bad connotations. Obviously IF it happened it would take some serious prior planning, a bit more than for a Chapter Fly-in but way less than a typical AV. This is a fun thought experiment, not something that's being executed next week. And to be clear I'm not advocating hundreds of folks show up to Osh by any method out of the blue. I'm currently a DoD logistics planner (and was one for most of my 20 year USAF career before that) so I understand a thing or two about the 2nd and 3rd order effects of this type of undertaking.
    Last edited by Auburntsts; 04-03-2020 at 11:29 AM.
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
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  8. #18

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    "I'm currently a DoD logistics planner (and was one for most of my 20 year USAF career before that) so I understand a thing or two about the 2nd and 3rd order effects of this type of undertaking". That explains it!

    If you're set on this idea, why not find a quiet, out of the way, non controlled field in a State located halfway between Florida and Wisconsin. It'll be a great experiment in herding while culling simultaneously.

  9. #19
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saber25 View Post
    "I'm currently a DoD logistics planner (and was one for most of my 20 year USAF career before that) so I understand a thing or two about the 2nd and 3rd order effects of this type of undertaking". That explains it!

    If you're set on this idea, why not find a quiet, out of the way, non controlled field in a State located halfway between Florida and Wisconsin. It'll be a great experiment in herding while culling simultaneously.
    Never mind— I’ve no interest in trying to actually plan a hypothetical event at the moment or shoot holes in a undeveloped idea. I think Carl was shooting for something fun to discuss with his OP but apparently it’s not to be.
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
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  10. #20
    CarlOrton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auburntsts View Post
    Never mind— I’ve no interest in trying to actually plan a hypothetical event at the moment or shoot holes in a undeveloped idea. I think Carl was shooting for something fun to discuss with his OP but apparently it’s not to be.
    Thanks, Todd; you're right.

    This country was founded on the ability to have the PURSUIT of happiness, not have it given to us. I agree these are bleak times, but if we don't do something to entertain ourselves, then we're doomed to failure. I'm doing what I can. We self-isolate - we don't even allow our unmarried adult son to come visit, because he still has to go to work in an essential career. He just sits at home, all alone, entertaining himself. I refuse to give up. Sure, an ad-hoc (there - better term) Convention *might* be fun, or *might* be doable, but isn't it at least a diversion to *think* that we might have a chance to have the greatest week, rather than have the doc look at us and say, "Might as well give it're gonna die anyway...."

    Carl Orton
    Sonex #1170 / Zenith 750 Cruzer

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