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Thread: After aopa forum

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Buchanan View Post
    <sigh>......ok....I tried........
    Someone smarter than me once said - "Never try to teach a pig to dance. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig." lol
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  2. #22

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    JBlack, the phrase play nice came from another forum which they say is their rule. I guess it is open to interpretation as to what more that means.
    As for my punctuation, well I did make an A in college that last time I took English grammar. But please allow that English is only my second language. I grew up in Texas to which I am fluent in. Every heard the expression. "All hat and no cattle" or " We gonna dance with the ones who brung us". You can translate the cattle one into aviation to wit, "All spinner and no prop" or if I was to modernize that I might say, "All electrons and no horsepower".
    I had a lot of fun hang gliding, but as Sam said your concern, even if valid safety wise is probably better targeted to the location where you say this occurred and the organization that directly supervises that.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 02-17-2020 at 09:09 AM.

  3. #23
    MEdwards's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    "All electrons and no horsepower.”
    Bill, I don’t share your scorn for electronics in the aircraft, but that's a good one. You sort of have to know the context, though.
    Mike E

  4. #24

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    Mike, the saying which I made up about the electrons is two part, don't forget the second part. If you have an Airbus 320 some high tech panel, Ie the electrons) are warranted. But remember that airplanes fly on the wing and the engine/prop. If you've got a 120 mph trainer with $50, 000 of gadgetry in the panel it isn't going to be any higher performance than any other. Its a little like having a great stereo system in an Edsel.
    Of course, the "All hat and no cattle" is a long time saying in Texas and ranching country. It might be updated now to "All hat and no wells or all truck and no wells."
    I got a good one from the African American cab driver Sun when commenting how I wasn't expecting it to be that cold in Mobile, he said "normally winter don't stay round here."

  5. #25
    geosnooker2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    I think "play nice" is a good rule, but can have different meanings to people. For me, just if I was running a forum, I would want to avoid personal insults. In other words, a serious even intense discussion is a good thing, but if you disagree with someone's premise or facts or mantra let it be about the facts. There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not. "Play nice" can also be a cover really for don't post anything that doesn't agree with what's already on the forum, no rocking the boat. Lots of people like that....
    I don't know about the specific issues with the AOPA site, but I can tell you what it MAY have been referring to. The GA world is filled with good people, but there are SOME (and they tend to gravitate toward places that allow them to do this) who like to talk down to young/new pilots, or people considering becoming pilots. They like to show off how much they know, and more to the point, how much you DON'T know. It's very off-putting, and will run off those newcomers. That tends to result in the same 10 people on a discussion board talking past each other, and no growth. I have experienced this first-hand on the HBA site.

  6. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by geosnooker2000 View Post
    I don't know about the specific issues with the AOPA site, but I can tell you what it MAY have been referring to. The GA world is filled with good people, but there are SOME (and they tend to gravitate toward places that allow them to do this) who like to talk down to young/new pilots, or people considering becoming pilots. They like to show off how much they know, and more to the point, how much you DON'T know. It's very off-putting, and will run off those newcomers. That tends to result in the same 10 people on a discussion board talking past each other, and no growth. I have experienced this first-hand on the HBA site.
    Funny, I think the EAA and HBA sites have the softest elbows of any of the aviation boards I visit. The AOPA board was ruthless with every discussion turning into some version of a ruler contest. The Blue Board (Pilots of America) has some of that, and the Purple Board for Pilots a little of it. But AOPA was by far the worst, IMO. They even had a moderator or two who (IMO) went way out of line from time to time and were never reeled in (at least publicly). I found it a nasty atmosphere and stopped following the forum years ago. I think one of their problems is they are a membership service and don't want to suspend members and potentially lose the income when people drop their membership because of a forum suspension.

  7. #27
    geosnooker2000's Avatar
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    Oh, I don't mean to imply the HBA board is really bad. I was just using it as an example of what CAN happen when know-it-alls get into a urinating contest, instead of having the heart of a teacher.

  8. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by geosnooker2000 View Post
    Oh, I don't mean to imply the HBA board is really bad. I was just using it as an example of what CAN happen when know-it-alls get into a urinating contest, instead of having the heart of a teacher.

    This is not what Bill was talking about. He said this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not.
    I've asked for more information.
    We have the what and where, but do we have a really?

    The reason everyone missed it was probably that it never happened. Boy calling wolf.. ?

    Did it happen or not, Bill?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  9. #29
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Use the search tool and see the partial or complete (based on your search parameters) occurrence of the key word. Draw your own conclusions.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

  10. #30

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    I don't have a cute alias, mostly cause it never occurred to me when I started on fourms, guess Im too simple that way.
    But if I was to try to think up one I don't think I could match "geosnooker", whatever that might mean. Mine might be Merlin addict.

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