Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
Probably would have if it was free. But that is exactly the point. The public (even informed people like us) are unable or unwilling to do the proper due diligence to determine what the risk is.
I gladly bought a TriMotor ride at AirVenture 2018 - I got on board of my own free will 'assuming' (and yes I know what that means) that NO crew in their right mind would operate an airplane they knew was not properly maintained in critical areas....you know, like engines and such. I have faith - and at day's end that's all any of us laypeople can have - that the EAA maintains their aircraft as well as anyone in the world.

Beyond that, I'm not exactly sure what other "due diligence" a paying passenger on any airplane ride can do? Even on a commercial airliner.