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Thread: Where Have All the EAB Aircraft Gone?

  1. #91

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Blum View Post
    Is this the one that used a washing machine electric motor?
    13hp Bosch motor. Link
    Article in Sport Aviation archive also.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by rwanttaja View Post
    I believe Tesla has a system that allows owner to quickly recharge and resume a cross-country flight...err, drive.

    It may not be directly applicable today, but with development time a workable system can probably be deployed.

    So you rarely see me these days, claiming that some technology will never mature.

    Ron "Space Cadet" Wanttaja
    When the following events occur, I'll become a convert to 100% electric plug-in vehicles and buy one. Until then, I'll remain a skeptic:

    -When they can eliminate range anxiety and travel for at least 600KMS(372 mi)between charging.
    -When fully charged takes no more time than it takes to currently fill up the tank with fuel at the gas station.
    -When a fully formed charging infrastructure exists in North America to support electrics in a manner that is as ubiquitous as gas stations for internal combustion engines.
    -When the MSRP is drastically reduced(I believe this will happen when the above 3 things become commonplace and hence more electrics are bought by the masses).

  3. #93
    DaleB's Avatar
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    That's not called being a skeptic. That's called "not being an early adopter". Were it not for people being willing to be those early adopters, none of it would come to pass. And, while we're not there yet, it's amazing how far the state of the art and infrastructure support for all-electric vehicles have come.

    One interesting thing I see is that electric charging stations don't require the extensive specialized infrastructure (underground storage tanks, fire suppression, etc.) that a gas station does... just a few square feet of space, a credit card reader, and some heavier electric cabling than you'd normally find in a parking lot. That means there's an opportunity to put charging stations in places where gas stations simply can't go - like parking garages, hotel parking lots, etc. I can see the day coming when there are more electric charging plugs than there are gas pumps.

    Not that I'm going to buy a plug-in car any time soon. I'm a telecommuter, so I just don't drive in town much. If I were driving a few dozen miles a day, it would make sense. When I do drive, it's often round trips that exceed 200-300 miles, and believe it or not it's pretty hilly here in our part of the Great Plains. The current generation of electrics just aren't a good choice for me. My neighbor drives his Tesla daily... it's a viable choice for him. I'd just love to know what his electricity cost per mile driven is, and how it compares to the gasoline I buy.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  4. #94
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    It’s not just the price per mile I think you need to amortize the cost too. The base cost of a model S is like $71k. Then add another $10k for the extended battery and we haven’t even talked options. Just the cost of the extended battery buys the average car about 100,000 miles using $2.50 per gal and 25m/gal just to make the math easy. Assume that a new vehicle runs about $40k ya get an additional $31k for fuel which buys another 310,000 miles. For the same price I get a new car and 410,000 miles and you haven’t talked options for your Tesla.
    Electrics = unicorns and rainbows.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

  5. #95
    DaleB's Avatar
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    You do know there are plug-in electric cars other than the Tesla S, right? Tesla sells two models in the under-50K range, including the extended range battery. A Nissan Leaf S Plus with the larger battery lists at $36K. BMW's i3 lists for around $44K on up.

    Yes, an all electric car is probably going to cost you more than an equivalently sized and equipped gasoline powered car. If you're not driving long distances in it -- like most people don't -- you get to skip all the gas station stops and oil changes. Nothing is perfect, and any developing tech like this will be more expensive for early adopters. That's just how it is, but a lot of people are willing to pay a little extra.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  6. #96

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    Yeah, I'm also gonna interested to know where all the crafts.!
    John Harry
    Top WBM Brands

  7. #97
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Thanks Dale you made my point. Electric vehicles are a niche market and don’t meet the needs the transportation needs of the nation. You are absolutely right about the cost of emerging technologies; the cost always goes down, personal electronics are a great example.
    I do hope that electric power plant technology exceeds but until someone develops a unit for aviation that provides the equivalent performance to say a 172 or Archer I’m not buying in. In today’s world the cost of R&D, DT&E, certification, and manufacturing startup represent SIGNIFICANT investments. There just aren’t that many companies that have the assets, motivation and commitment to go from point A to B. Who knows what the certification requirements for these units and their airframes will be in the future; that’s just added risk. Those costs will get passed thru sales. General aviation sales is a very low volume business Strap in, things are gonna get pricey.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

  8. #98
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    When the following events occur, I'll become a convert to 100% electric plug-in vehicles and buy one. Until then, I'll remain a skeptic:
    And ~125 years ago, my great-great uncle Einar said, "Automobiles will never replace horses until they can go all the way across country on the free grass they graze at the side of the trail, and breed free replacements for themselves on the way. Oh, and their emissions have to be good for my roses, too....."

    Ron "That Uncle Einar" Wanttaja

  9. #99
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    I told Orville and I told Wilbur, now I'm telling you...

  10. #100
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rwanttaja View Post
    And ~125 years ago, my great-great uncle Einar said, "Automobiles will never replace horses until they can go all the way across country on the free grass they graze at the side of the trail, and breed free replacements for themselves on the way. Oh, and their emissions have to be good for my roses, too....."

    Ron "That Uncle Einar" Wanttaja
    You left out much of the story. Uncle Einar bought the first car dealership in Oxnard, California and made a fortune. Ten years later he sold the business and invested the substantial proceeds in a thoroughbred breeding and racing enterprise. He became a very well known and respected owner of champion race horses.

    Ya see, he always loved horses and was the first to coin the phrase, "You can close the barn door after the horse has left."

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