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Thread: Concessions...

  1. #31
    Home built camping was the only way I was coming to Oshkosh. I have 100 lbs of bag capacity and bringing a 40 lb griddle doesn’t interest me. Next!

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by stummers View Post
    Boy are we spoiled in the camp ground. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, biscuits, and hash browns each morning. French toast and biscuits and gravy every other day.
    About the same thing I do every morning, at a smaller scale. I need to figure out how to get around more campers that are nutball gourmets like me and the other guy I come to OSH with. Pretty much every night starts off with Negronis or Aviation cocktails and charcuterie, then some sort of either grilled or sous vide w/ reverse sear protein and grilled veg, then wraps up with a campfire and some sort of evening beverage like a Sazerac or Rye Manhattan, likely supplanted with campfire fruit pies. Mornings are always some variation of the post above. Often come back to the site for lunch. No WONDER I don't get to see as much of the show as I want!

    It was just me this year, so I "scaled back" and while I still had the Negroni/Aviation Cocktail/charcuterie going on pre-dinner, the dinners were a little simpler but still delish.

    Where are my fellow foodies/drinkies out there? I'd LOVE to meet and hopefully camp near some of you!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SteveCostello View Post
    It was just me this year, so I "scaled back" and while I still had the Negroni/Aviation Cocktail/charcuterie going on pre-dinner, the dinners were a little simpler but still delish.

    Where are my fellow foodies/drinkies out there? I'd LOVE to meet and hopefully camp near some of you!
    I don't camp but I like your style and skills. I'd like to come by next year for a margarita, stirred not shaken.

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Close to OSH, but not close enough!
    My mother is almost 90 and has a Manhattan every night...well, late afternoon. Whiskey, not rye, and no garbage. If she's still around next year I'll send her your way!

  5. #35
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    "Whiskey" is a generic term for various spirits which include Rye, so your statement is nonsense.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Last edited by BJC; 08-07-2019 at 06:48 AM.

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    RVS - Riverside Tulsa, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by mcmurphy View Post
    I don't have any complaints about the concessions, as I ate mostly at my camper. I did have issues with two dining experiences, namely the Chapter Pancake Breakfast and the University of Wisconsin dining hall.

    The University of Wisconsin dining hall isn't really connected to Airventure itself, although it has been a must-do at least once during the week for many members of my chapter. We heard that a new company was running the dining hall and we were very disappointed in the quality and variety of the food they had. In years past the food was so good that you looked forward to a meal the next year. Not anymore. All 14 people from our chapter said they would not go back next year.
    yes, the university has a new food service provider, brand new, just started two week before the show. I agree the food was way off, been eating dinners at the university for many years, and had great experiences up to this year. When I checked out my dorm room I make sure that my low opinion of the food was clearly evident in my survey that I filled out.

  8. #38

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    Aug 2017
    Trust me, the university doesn't read their surveys.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    Ok, I'll poke. I'm from outside Wisconsin. Why? Can't be a Catholicism thing because that's a world-wide requirement or suggestion. BTW, I love your handle, where is this place, it sounds eutopian?
    The Friday fish fry is a long-time Wisconsin tradition during the summer. I think it may have originated with the Catholic practice way back when, but it's become its own thing in this state.

    rwanttaja is correct about my handle. Look up the TV show "Firefly."

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    For Catholics the 'pain of sin' was removed from the Friday meat fasting back in 1966. Not that it matters to the beloved and respected Friday Fish Fries available throughout the Midwest. Purt near every VFW has one. And they are MIGHTY fine eating too.

    I fondly remember from years ago a restaurant not far from Oshkosh that offered a wonderfully 'heart-smart' dinner of beer batter deep fried scallops, served with a cup of melted butter for dipping. A cardiologist's delight - lol - but CRIKEY was it ever good!
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

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