Does anyone know the status of the Super Cyclone 2.0 kit plane project? Information on the Aviatech Products website appears outdated and calls and emails to St-Just Aviation, Aviatech Products, and the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi (development partner) have all gone unanswered.

Tracing its history, we see that St-Just Aviation introduced the St-Just Cyclone kit (based on the Cessna 180) in 1992 and the St-Just Super-Cyclone kit in 1999. Aviatech Products seems to be developing an improved version they are calling the Super Cyclone 2.0 since 2016 and the Internet Archive shows that Aviatech Products was manufacturing the Super Cyclone since at least 2011. However, one wonders if any of these outfits are still in business and what has happened to these kit plane projects.

Any updates or contact information will be appreciated.


Kurt Gross